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Politics & Policy

report | Dec 8, 2023

Americans’ Views of the Israel-Hamas War

65% of Americans say Hamas bears a lot of responsibility for the current conflict, compared with 35% who say this about the Israeli government. Americans express bipartisan concern about violence against Jews in the U.S., but there is a wide partisan gap in concerns over violence against U.S. Muslims.

International Affairs

report | Dec 6, 2023

Attitudes on an Interconnected World

How close do people feel to others around the world? How much do they want their countries involved in international affairs? How do people’s experiences with travel and feelings of international connectedness relate to their views about the world? A recent 24-nation survey explores these questions.

Economy & Work

report | Nov 9, 2023

Tipping Culture in America: Public Sees a Changed Landscape

72% of U.S. adults say tipping is expected in more places today than it was five years ago. But even as Americans say they’re being asked to tip more often, only about a third say it’s extremely or very easy to know whether (34%) or how much (33%) to tip for various services.

Race & Ethnicity

report | Sep 26, 2023

Black Americans’ Experiences With News

Black Americans see a range of problems with how Black people are covered in the news. Almost two-thirds of Black adults (63%) say news about Black people is often more negative than news about other racial and ethnic groups. And while few are optimistic that will change in the foreseeable future, many see ways in which that coverage could be improved.

report | Jul 19, 2023

Most Asian Americans View Their Ancestral Homelands Favorably, Except Chinese Americans

Around three-quarters of Asian Americans (78%) have a favorable view of the United States. Majorities of Filipino, Indian, Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese and Vietnamese adults in the U.S. have a favorable view of their own ancestral homeland. By contrast, fewer than half of Chinese Americans say they have a favorable opinion of China.

Our Methods

Pew Research Center regularly conducts public opinion surveys in countries outside the United States as part of its ongoing exploration of attitudes, values and behaviors around the globe.
Pew Research Center’s Data Labs uses computational methods to complement and expand on the Center’s existing research agenda.
Pew Research Center tracks social, demographic and economic trends, both domestically and internationally.
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Our Experts

“A record 23 million Asian Americans trace their roots to more than 20 countries … and the U.S. Asian population is projected to reach 46 million by 2060.”

Head of New Research Initiatives
video | May 12, 2017

Methods 101: Random Sampling

The first video in Pew Research Center’s Methods 101 series helps explain random sampling – a concept that lies at the heart of all probability-based survey research – and why it’s important.

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