From the course: Illustrator 2024 Essential Training

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Using grids and guides

Using grids and guides - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Illustrator 2024 Essential Training

Using grids and guides

- [Instructor] I've just created a new blank document here in Illustrator. You can do exactly the same. It doesn't really matter about the shape or size of the document, particularly. Only, I wouldn't choose one. If I just do Command N here, Control N, just for a moment, I wouldn't choose one from the film and video set because you'll see that the art board isn't there. It's got all video set up in there. But art and illustration, that's fine. I chose 1080p from here. That's what I'm actually using. But you can use, like I said, whatever you want. So there are some schemes to help us out with proportion on our pages and alignment in the form of grids. Now to get to the grids, you can go to the View menu, okay? And then you can make your way down to Show Grid, just there like so, and a grid will be drawn on your art board. Now, I'm not the biggest fan of grids like this to be honest. This to me is graph paper that…
