From the course: Illustrator 2024 Essential Training

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Using area type

Using area type

- [Instructor] Area text or area type, whichever way you choose to refer to it, that's just fine. Has a lot more in common with something like InDesign. If you create text frames in InDesign, very, very similar, almost identical in fact to that. And we actually have one on the paste board here, that's the area around the art board. I'm just going to hold down the space bar and pan to the left, like so. Then I'm going to select this and I'm going to zoom in on it like this. Hopefully you can see that. Okay now I need to keep it selected because I want to show you the features of an area text so you can tell at a glance it's an area of text and it's actually very, very simple. If you have the regular eight different things around the corners and the sides, okay, of the bounding box here and you see that there's one underneath the top left and one above the bottom right, then it is definitely an area text, just like in…
