From the course: Illustrator 2024 Essential Training

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Saving selections

Saving selections

- [Instructor] A very useful selection feature in Illustrator, especially if you're working in a large document with lots of elements, is the ability to save a selection. If I go ahead here and select all of these tops along the top line, I can save a selection by going to the Select menu, coming down and choosing that command and then giving it a name. So if I call this Tops, for example, then we have that selection. I'll do the same with the bags just down at the bottom here. So do that one more time, okay. And choose that one, Bags, like so. You can also edit selections as well if you need to. You probably saw that in the menu just here. Edit selection there. Okay, and indeed, update it if you make changes. To recall a selection, even if the objects have moved around inside the file, you simply go back to the select menu like so, and it's nice and easy to pick up those selections like so. Like I said, in a big…
