From the course: Cert Prep: FinOps Certified Practitioner (FOCP)

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Accurate forecasting

Accurate forecasting

- [Instructor] Accurate Forecasting in Cloud FinOps. Upon completing this section, you'll be able to understand the importance and challenges of accurate forecasting in Cloud FinOps domain and be familiar with different methodologies and models used to improve forecasting accuracy. You will also be able to understand communication in cloud forecasting, anticipate challenges presented by future projects, comprehend the complexities of cost estimation, and grasp the relationship between forecasting and budgeting. The significance of cloud forecasting. In the variable cost model of cloud, there is a major shift from fixed to variable costs. Any inaccuracies in forecasting can lead to major discrepancies. The dynamic nature of cloud requires frequent forecasting and constant communications among teams. The state of cloud forecasting. Forecasting cloud expenses is tricky even for experts. Recent surveys indicate that…
