The Wayback Machine -

Jeffrey Gottfried

Senior Researcher

short read | Feb 17, 2017

For election news, young people turned to some national papers more than their elders

When we asked people if they regularly got news about the 2016 presidential election through either the print or online version of four specific U.S. newspapers, three of these papers – The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal – attracted more adults younger than 50 than 50 and older as regular readers.

report | Jul 7, 2016

The Modern News Consumer

Digital innovation has had a major impact on the public's news habits. How have these changes shaped Americans’ appetite for and attitudes toward the news?

report | May 26, 2016

News Use Across Social Media Platforms 2016

A majority of Americans get news on social media, including 18% who do so often. News plays a varying role across the nine social networking sites studied.

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