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Donate to the Museum of London

Make an online donation to the museum and help us tell the extraordinary story of London.


Your donation matters

Your gift will support our learning programmes, collection care, acquisitions, and research.

The museum is a charity that relies upon the support and generous donations from visitors to help us in our mission to tell the extraordinary story of London and its people – past, present and future.

Thanks to donations from members of the public, we can:

  • Share the many, diverse stories of the capital with Londoners and people across the globe through our displays and digital platforms.
  • Inspire visitors of all ages and backgrounds with engaging experiences and events.
  • Look after the 7 million items which are part of the internationally renowned London Collection and the world’s largest archaeological archive.
  • Shape and deliver immersive learning programmes for young minds, fostering a passion for history and enriching their sense of identity.
  • Put together incredible exhibitions showcasing the very best of our unique collection.

Your contribution will also help support the organisation during one of the most important moments in the Museum of London’s history – preparing for our move to Smithfield, and reconceiving what a 21st century urban museum for London and the world can be.

Your support is vital in preserving the history of London for many more generations to come. Join our community of supporters today.

Make a regular donation

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Amount you are donating: £0

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