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fact sheet | Nov 15, 2023

News Platform Fact Sheet

The transition of the news industry away from print, television and radio into digital spaces has caused huge disruptions in the traditional news industry, especially the print news industry. Today, an overwhelming majority of Americans get news at least sometimes from digital devices.

fact sheet | Sep 14, 2023

Local TV News Fact Sheet

Local TV companies generated more revenue in 2022 than in 2021, consistent with a cyclical pattern in which advertising revenue rises in election years and falls in non-election years.

fact sheet | Sep 14, 2023

Cable News Fact Sheet

In 2022, both prime-time and daytime cable news audiences increased for Fox News but decreased for CNN, MSNBC and Newsmax.

fact sheet | Sep 14, 2023

Network News Fact Sheet

Financially, advertiser expenditures for the news programs of the three major networks have declined substantially since 2020.

fact sheet | Aug 1, 2023

Public Broadcasting Fact Sheet

Hundreds of local and regional radio and television stations comprise the U.S. public media system.

report | Nov 23, 2020

Americans Paid Close Attention as Election Returns Came In

As election returns rolled in – albeit more slowly than in recent years – Americans were tuning in closely. They also, for the most part, gave their news sources positive marks for the coverage of the returns, though Republicans were less likely to do so than Democrats.

short reads | Apr 8, 2020

5 facts about Fox News

While U.S. Democrats turn to a variety of outlets for political news, no source comes close to matching the appeal of Fox News for Republicans.

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