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fact sheet | Nov 20, 2017

Facts on Foreign Students in the U.S.

The U.S. has more foreign students enrolled in its colleges and universities than any other country in the world. Explore data about foreign students in the U.S. higher education system.

short reads | Jul 16, 2014

Obama viewed as more caring than Bush, but no more effective

A new Pew Research Center survey finds that President Barack Obama’s overall approval rating has held steady at 44%, even as he receives low marks for his handling of the surge of undocumented child immigrants at the U.S. border.

short reads | Dec 19, 2013

Obama, Bush and the ‘second-term curse’

Barack Obama and George Bush have at least one thing in common when it comes to the second terms they won — the first year of their encores have been downers when it came to their public images.

short reads | Dec 5, 2013

Republicans gloomier about U.S. role in the world

Partisanship is a major factor in a new Pew Research Center survey showing that a growing number of Americans believe the U.S. is less respected in the world and plays a less important role globally than 10 years ago.

short reads | Jul 1, 2013

Describing Obama, Bush in a word

Public views of Barack Obama today are very different from those of George W. Bush at about this point in his second term. Obama’s job rating is in positive territory, while Bush’s tilted negative. But a look at the one-word descriptions of the two men finds some common ground. Most notably, the word incompetent appears high on the one-word list for each.

short reads | Jun 4, 2013

Under Obama, Egyptians’ views of U.S. worse than under George W. Bush presidency

Today marks four years since a newly elected President Barack Obama spoke to a packed, enthusiastic audience of students at Cairo University, calling for “a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world.” Four years later, much has changed in Egypt, but anti-Americanism persists.

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