Radon Awareness Week 2023

Radon Awareness Week banner. January 23-27, 2023

The scene is your house and your community. The bad guy is radon, an invisible, silent home-invader. You are the main character. Your family, friends, and community members are in supporting roles. Your state radon control officer, radon mitigation (reduction) contractor, and healthcare providers may be woven into your story as heroes. Your story can be short and sweet with a happy ending if you test and, if needed, reduce radon levels in your home. You can also be the hero in someone else’s story by raising awareness about radon.

EH Nexus Webinar

Radon Awareness Week: National and State-Level Radon Risk Reduction Initiatives

This webinar features two speakers representing national and state-level radon risk reduction activities and was held during Radon Awareness Week 2023. Watch it here.

January 23–27 is Radon Awareness Week. This year’s theme is “The 5Ws of Radon: What’s Your Radon Story?” You likely learned about the 5Ws in elementary school as the basic parts to any story. Each day of the week features one of the 5 Ws with a related graphic, social media, and highlighted radon story:

  • Monday: Who does radon affect?
  • Tuesday: What are the health effects of radon?
  • Wednesday: Where can I be exposed to radon?
  • Thursday: When should I install a radon reduction system?
  • Friday: Why should I raise awareness about radon?

To learn more and stay involved throughout the week, sign up for the Radiation and Health Newsletter, follow @CDCEnvironment on Twitter and visit CDC’s Radon website.

Social Media Toolkit

These resources for Radon Awareness Week 2023 can be downloaded or printed. Click an image to download it. The samples can be used for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram posts. Each theme day features a question graphic and a corresponding answer graphic. You can use them together to create carousels on all of the listed platforms.

Keep in mind that URLs do not become active links when used on Instagram. To direct Instagram users to an external website, add the link to your bio and let your followers know to click the link in your bio for more information.

Radon Awareness Week 2023

Sample Copy

For #RadonAwarenessWeek explore the 5Ws of radon: who, what, when, where, and why. Learn more and see how you can get involved: https://bit.ly/3gCHH2x (150 char)

Radon awareness week social media graphic - 1200x675 pixels. Click for full image.
Radon awareness week social media graphic - 1080x1080 pixels. Click for full image.
Radon Awareness Week, Day 1: Who is affected by radon?

Sample Copy

Anyone can get lung cancer from breathing in high levels of radon over time. Radon is a gas that can build up in homes and buildings putting people at risk. This #RadonAwarenessWeek learn how to protect yourself: https://bit.ly/3wIlDZK (235 char)

Singing has always been a big part of Jackie’s life. But without knowing it, Jackie was exposed to #radon for years and got lung cancer. Today, she continues using her voice to sing and raise awareness about radon and lung cancer. https://bit.ly/3epBfd9 #RadonAwarenessWeek (273 char)

Anyone can get lung cancer from breathing in high levels of radon over time. Radon is an odorless, invisible, radioactive gas that can build up in homes and buildings putting people at risk. This #RadonAwarenessWeek learn how to protect yourself: https://bit.ly/3wIlDZK (269 char)

Who is affected by radon? Social Media Graphic - 1080x1080 pixels. Click for full image.
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Who is affected by radon? Social Media Graphic (text only) - 1080x1080 pixels. Click for full image.
Radon Awareness Week, Day 2: What are the health effects of radon?

Sample copy

Radon causes around 21,000 lung cancer deaths in the United States each year. Radon is a natural gas that can build up inside your home. Take action to reduce radon levels and talk to your doctor about any concerns. #RadonAwarenessweek https://bit.ly/2S9itPT (255 char)

#DYK? You can get lung cancer even if you’ve never smoked. Exposure to #radon is another important risk factor.  Read the story of Lindi Campbell, who was diagnosed with lung cancer and later discovered high #radon levels in her home. https://bit.ly/3GxL0Uk #RadonAwarenessWeek (235 char)

Doctors: Ask your patients about home radon levels and talk to them about how radon affects lung cancer. Visit the CDC’s website for more #radon information for healthcare providers https://bit.ly/3UaVWMO #RadonAwarenessWeek (266 char)

Radon causes around 21,000 lung cancer deaths in the United States every year and is the second leading cause of lung cancer. Radon is a natural gas in outdoor air that can build up inside your home. Take action to reduce radon levels and talk to your doctor about any concerns. #RadonAwarenessweek https://bit.ly/2S9itPT (318 char)

What are the health effects of radon? - 1080x1080 pixels. Click for full image.
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What are the health effects of radon? (text only) - 1080x1080 pixels. Click for full image.
Radon Awareness Week, Day 3: Where can I be exposed to radon?

Sample copy

Radon can build up in any home or building whether it has a basement, is sealed or drafty, or is new or old. High radon levels can cause lung cancer. There is no known safe level of radon. Always aim to have the lowest level. #RadonAwarenessWeek https://bit.ly/3TVwgnT (269 char)

Tracking programs across the U.S. use #radon data to inform public health planning, leading to healthier communities! Visit the @CDC_EPHTracking website to explore radon data and learn how the data can help improve health outcomes: https://bit.ly/3CIwXKp #RadonAwarenessWeek (274)

All outdoor and indoor air has some radon in it. Radon can build up in the air in any home or building whether it has a basement, is sealed or drafty, or is new or old. It is a risk anywhere in the country. There is no known safe level of radon, and you should always aim to have the lowest level. #RadonAwarenessWeek https://bit.ly/3OTwdHr (330 char)

Where can I be exposed to radon? Social Media Graphic - 1080x1080 pixels. Click for full image.
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Where can I be exposed to radon? Social Media Graphic - (text only) - 1080x1080 pixels. Click for full image.
Radon Awareness Week, Day 4: When should I install a radon reduction system?

Sample copy

For #RadonAwarenessWeek test your home to find out if you should install a radon reduction system to protect your household from lung cancer. EPA recommends installing a radon reduction system for levels higher than 4pCi/L. https://bit.ly/3HBcYOX (247 char)

After Carol had her home renovated, she knew it was important to test for #radon. She was surprised—her home’s radon level was high!  With help from her state radon program, Carol took steps to prevent radon from entering her home. Read more of Carol’s story: https://bit.ly/3XoQV4N (236)

For #RadonAwarenessWeek test your home to find out if you should install a radon reduction system to protect your household from lung cancer. EPA recommends installing a radon reduction system for levels higher than 4pCi/L. Contact your state radon office to find a radon reduction professional. https://bit.ly/3HBcYOX (319 char)

When should I install a radon reduction system? Social Media Graphic - 1080x10805 pixels. Click for full image.
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When should I install a radon reduction system? Social Media Graphic (text only) - 1080x1080 pixels. Click for full image.
Radon Awareness Week, Day 5: Why should I raise awareness about radon?

Sample copy

Lung cancer deaths from radon exposure are preventable if more people take action to reduce radon levels in homes, building, and schools. Raising awareness about radon saves lives. Spread the word for #RadonAwarenessWeek https://bit.ly/3Viw5mr (244 char)

Help raise awareness about #radon! CDC’s newly updated radon website includes testing and prevention information for healthcare providers and the public. Learn more about @CDCgov’s radon outreach: https://bit.ly/3GG4OVQ #RadonAwarenessWeek (211)

Radon is the leading environmental cause of cancer in the United States. Lung cancer deaths from radon exposure are preventable if more people take action to reduce radon levels in homes, building, and schools. Raising awareness about radon saves lives. Spread the word for #RadonAwarenessWeek https://bit.ly/3Viw5mr (317 char)

Why should I raise awareness about radon? Social Media Graphic - 1080x1080 pixels. Click for full image.
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Why should I raise awareness about radon? Social Media Graphic (text only) - 1080x1080 pixels. Click for full image.

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