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PDPC News - Stay Informed​

Learn how you can help end the war on children.

Not On My Watch

Not On My Watch Podcast Episode 2

In this episode of Not On My Watch, host and investigative journalist, Liz Crokin conducts a riveting interview with whistleblower Cathy O’Brien, who describes the unimaginable tragedy she endured as

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EPISODE 1: Listen and learn from Not On My Watch host, Investigative Journalist Liz Crokin, and special guest, HHS whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas, who first exposed government-sponsored, taxpayer-funded child trafficking occurring at the southern border.

Further Resources & Information

The PDPC Bulletin – March 2023 Edition

The PDPC Bulletin – June 2023 Edition

PDPC TIP SHEET – Know How You Can Help

Sex Nation, a deep dive into the moral fall of America & how to restore a nation, produced by Jaco Booyens Ministries.

I Am Silent No More, an autobiography of the childhood horrors endured by Lynz Piper-Loomer and how God interceded to save her from the chains of trafficking and abuse.

Out of Shadows, a film directed by Mike Smith, exposing the Deep State’s infiltration of Hollywood and corporate media and the prevalence of an elite pedophile ring.

Sound of Freedom, a true story that exposes the dark world of child trafficking starring Jim Caviezel.