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Not On My Watch - Episode 4

Not On My Watch Podcast Episode 4

EPISODE 4: Not On My Watch – The show revealing the facts and truth to end the war on children, produced by America’s Future Project Defend & Protect Our Children (PDPC). Viewers will want to amplify Episode 4 of Not

Florida-Summit recap

Get In The Fight – Florida Summit Recap Video

Hundreds of attendees at the Florida kick-off of America’s Future Get In The Fight nationwide campaign to help end child exploitation and trafficking heard from leaders and experts in the areas of prevention, intervention, rescue, and recovery of children who

Not On My Watch

Not On My Watch Podcast Episode 3

The story of Michelle Peterson and her son, Andrew, is one all Americans must hear, especially parents. It is the story of a warrior mother who instinctively knew that a late-night phone call to her son by one of his

Not On My Watch

Not On My Watch Podcast Episode 2

In this episode of Not On My Watch, host and investigative journalist, Liz Crokin conducts a riveting interview with whistleblower Cathy O’Brien, who describes the unimaginable tragedy she endured as a child after her father sold her into the CIA’s


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