The Wayback Machine -

Rich Morin

Former Senior Editor

short read | Dec 16, 2013

Who men and women prefer as their co-workers

Most Americans say it doesn’t matter if their co-workers are men or women. But for those with a preference, men say they would rather work with men—and women say the same.

short read | Dec 9, 2013

Study on twins suggests our political beliefs may be hard-wired

Everyone knows that our genes predispose us to be tall or short, blue-eyed blonds or brown-eyed brunettes, smart or not-so-smart. Now new research finds that, to a surprisingly large degree, our genes also shape our political beliefs and orientation.

short read | Nov 14, 2013

The most narcissistic U.S. presidents

Forget Romeo and Juliet or Cleopatra and Marc Antony. At least when it comes to politics, one of the great love affairs of all time may have been between Lyndon Johnson and… himself.

short read | Oct 21, 2013

Is divorce contagious?

A new study suggests that the divorce of a friend or close relative dramatically increases the chances that you too will divorce.

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