The Wayback Machine -

Leadership Team

Mary O’Neill

Mary O’Neill


Mary O’Neill is a Finance Business Administrator specialist with over two decades of successful experience in non-profit, corporate and small business management.

She has owned and run many different types of entities, including Skater Island, Rock Island and D&D Fence Company, but her joy has been working in the non-profit arena, which includes the Preservation Society of Newport, R.I. and more recently the Catholic Church.

Mary holds a BS in Environmental Science, major in Environmental Psychology and an MBA.

She is so proud to be invited to join America’s Future, where she can use her skills to help continue the great work of General John K. Singlaub and to continue the work of the organization under General Michael T. Flynn.

Board of Directors

General Michael Flynn

Lt. General Michael T. Flynn, USA (Ret.)


Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, USA (Ret.), Honorable Michael T. Flynn, retired from the Army after 33 years of distinguished service in uniform. He now serves as the Chairman of America’s Future, among the nation’s oldest 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organizations. His military career culminated as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and as the nation’s highest serving military intelligence officer.

General Flynn went on to serve in public life as an advisor to several Republican presidential candidates as a foreign policy expert, and subsequent appointment and service as the 25th National Security Advisor to the 45th President of the United States.

General Flynn also serves in a variety of civic, business, educational, and other non-profit roles, to include supporting veterans’ organizations around the country. His experience is broad and ranges in areas such as Diplomacy, Statecraft, Foreign Policy, Strategy Formulation, Defense, Intelligence, and more strategic issues of National and International Security.

General Flynn is a National bestselling author of the book, The Field of Fight, he is the author of numerous articles and papers as well as holding three master’s degrees and two honorary doctorates. General Flynn is also the recipient of numerous civilian, military, intelligence, and law enforcement awards.

He is happily married with two sons and has several grandchildren.

Lara Logan

Lara Logan


Lara Logan is an award-winning investigative journalist. She is known internationally for her fearless and candid reporting from some of the most dangerous places in the world in her role at “60 Minutes” and for her investigative series “Lara Logan Has No Agenda,” where she has covered some of the most controversial topics of our time such as media bias, Mexican drug cartels and trafficking, and the dangers of Big Tech.

With decades of honest reporting and speaking up for the truth regardless of the politics, Lara is a powerful voice for freedom and liberty around the world who has helped the public understand the political and human conflicts that exist in America and around the global. Her skilled approach to investigative journalism earned her a prominent place among the world’s best foreign correspondents, and almost every journalistic and reporting award, among them are the highly prestigious duPont-Columbia University Silver Baton, the Overseas Press Club, the Emmys and the RTNDA/ Edward R. Murrow Award, to name a few.

Presently, she is planning the launch of her new show and establishing the “Press Club of America” as a home for independent journalism that carries on the principles and standards of the past, while creating a solid foundation for the media moving forward.

Joseph Flynn

Joseph J. Flynn


Joseph J. Flynn is a serial Healthcare IT entrepreneur. He is also the youngest of Lt Gen ( R ) Michael T. Flynn 8 siblings. Since 2017, he has been co-Trustee and Official Spokesperson for the Mike Flynn Legal Defense Fund which he co-founded with his sister Ms. Barbara Redgate Flynn to fight against the political persecution of their brother.

For the past 20 years, Joseph has served as founder and CEO of two Southern California based successful Healthcare IT Services startups. One of those companies, Auxilio (AUXO) he brought from zero revenue to a NYSE listing in January of 2017. The second Vereco, Inc., he successfully sold to a New York-based private equity group in November of 2018.

Joseph is current CEO of Global Telehealth Services, a Cleveland, OH based telehealth startup, which he joined in July of 2020. He is also on the Board of two other technology related startups.

Prior to his healthcare IT career, he spent 10 years in the international exhibition industry where he managed and acquired numerous large technology trade shows, particularly in Latin America and Spain.

Joseph is a 1987 graduate of the Catholic University of America with a BA in International Relations. He is fluent in Spanish and has working knowledge of Portuguese and French. After 21 years in Orange County, CA, Joseph and his wife Valerie relocated to Sarasota County, FL. The couple have two adult daughters.

Tracy Diaz

Tracy Diaz


Tracy Diaz is an investigative journalist, and Editor-in-Chief at

An entrepreneur and successful C-level executive, Tracy also has wide-ranging experience in the political realm. Tracy was instrumental to the grassroots fervor that gripped the nation during the height of the Tea Party and the Ron Paul movement towards freedom and liberty. 

Tracy’s political experience starts at the grassroots level and moves all the way up the spectrum to establishment politics. She is a board member at the #WalkAway Foundation and has dedicated her life to preserving American freedom.

Her business acumen, investigative skills, leadership qualities, and success at corralling social media make her an asset to any organization dedicated to American values. She is happily married and has two teenage children. 

Paul Hoffecker

Paul S. Hoffecker


Paul S. Hoffecker has had a successful career in the health care non-profit arena.

He is currently the CEO of HMI (Hyperbaric Medicine International), a 501(c)(4), and CEO of Hyperbaric Medicine Foundation, a 501(c)(3). Both of these non-profit entities promote a standard of medical care, using hyperbaric oxygen therapy for an array of medical and wellness conditions.

Paul’s career spans a history in healthcare administration, commercial and remodeling construction, senior project management and business consulting.

For many years, he was the past Founder and President of Renovating Hope, Inc. that rebuilt hundreds of homes throughout our country for wounded service members and veterans.

He works closely with the functional medical advocates in the U.S. military that strive to bend the curve in our nations suicide rate.

Paul is a staunch defender of the Constitution.

He is married with one adult son and lives in Chester County, PA.

Leadership Team