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Solicitation of Contributions

Find information for businesses about the Solicitations of Contributions Act.

Disaster-Related Charities

Charitable organizations that raise $50,000 or more in contributions during the aftermath of natural disasters or other crises must submit financial information regarding contributions and program service expenses on a quarterly basis, except for charitable organizations that have been registered with FDACS for at least four consecutive years.

FDACS will post a notice on its website,, of each disaster or crisis subject to the reporting requirements of Section 496.4072, Florida Statutes, within 10 days after the disaster or crisis.


  • 2021 Surfside Building Collapse
  • 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
  • 2019 Hurricane Dorian
  • 2018 Hurricane Michael
  • 2018 Hurricane Florence
  • 2018 Jacksonville Landing Shooting
  • 2018 Eastpoint Fire
  • 2018 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting (Parkland, FL)
  • 2017 Hurricane Maria
  • 2017 Hurricane Irma
  • 2016 Hurricane Matthew
  • 2016 Hurricane Hermine
  • 2016 Pulse Club Shooting Victims (Orlando, FL)


Laws and Regulations

Florida Statutes
Chapter: 496

Florida Administrative Code and Register
Chapter: 5J-7

New Registration Forms Are Available

We are pleased to announce that the Solicitation of Contributions program has new registration forms available. Here are some of the changes you can expect to see:

  • Registration forms have been simplified and streamlined in response to common questions and points of confusion.
  • Fee calculations have been made less complicated in an effort to avoid frequently encountered problems.
  • The “Solicitation of Contributions Annual Financial Reporting Form” has been removed from the Solicitation of Contributions Registration Application so that it’s accessible to those who need it without adding unnecessary application pages for those who don’t.

Effective July 1, 2018, charitable organizations and fundraisers that solicit contributions are prohibited from commingling charitable contributions with noncharitable funds. This means that contributions should be kept in a separate account from funds that are not used for a charitable purpose. Additionally, charitable organizations and fundraisers are required to keep documents to show how contributions are used.

The Solicitation of Contributions Act requires anyone who solicits donations from people in the state of Florida to register with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) and renew annually. This applies to charitable organizations, sponsors, professional solicitors and professional fundraising consultants. FDACS collects registration fees and has authority to impose penalties for noncompliance.

Some exemptions apply. The following entities may use our online registration tool:

  • Charitable Organizations (including Small Charitable/Sponsor Organizations and Charitable/Sponsor Organizations),
  • Professional Solicitors
  • and Professional Fundraising Consultants.

Solicitor Individuals are currently not able to use our online registration tool.

Small Charitable Organizations/Sponsors

Charitable organizations and sponsors that meet the following requirements are eligible to fill out the Small Charitable Organizations/Sponsors Application[ application/pdf ] and complete the Solicitation of Contributions Annual Financial Reporting Form[ application/pdf ] in lieu of registration:

  • The charitable organization or sponsor has less than $25,000 in total revenue (including contributions) during the immediately preceding fiscal year.
  • The fundraising activities of the charitable organization or sponsor are carried on by volunteers, members or officers who are not compensated and no part of the assets or income of the organization or sponsor inures to the benefit of or is paid to any officer or member of the charitable organization or sponsor.
  • The charitable organization or sponsor does not use a professional fundraising consultant, professional solicitor or commercial co-venturer.

Small organizations are not required to pay a registration fee.

Note: If a charitable organization or sponsor that has registered as a small charity/sponsor has at any time during its fiscal year generated total revenue equal to or in excess of $25,000, compensated any officer or employee or utilized a professional fundraising consultant, professional solicitor, or commercial co-venturer, the small charity designation is void. The charitable organization or sponsor must then register with FDACS as required by Section 496.405, Florida Statutes (F.S.), within 30 days after the date any of the aforementioned changes occur.

Every charitable organization or sponsor that is required to register under Section 496.405, F.S., or is exempt under Section 496.406(1)(d) must conspicuously display the following statement on every solicitation, confirmation, receipt or reminder of a contribution: “A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE WITHIN THE STATE. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE.” The statement must include a toll-free number and website for the division that can be used to obtain the registration information. When the solicitation consists of more than one piece, the statement must be displayed prominently in the solicitation materials. If the solicitation occurs on a website, the statement must be conspicuously displayed on any webpage that identifies a mailing address where contributions are to be sent, identifies a telephone number to call to process contributions, or provides for online processing of contributions. 

It is not required to post the disclosure statement on every page of a website. FDACS's toll-free number is 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352).

Frequently Asked Questions

Select a question below to expand the answer.

If the registration applicant does not know the answer to a question on the application form, may it be left blank?

No. When an organization is registering for the first time with FDACS, the law requires that all questions on the registration application be answered. Leaving a question blank will delay the registration process until all questions are answered.

Yes, No, or None are acceptable answers to some questions on the registration application.

What if I did not receive any money in the preceding year?

What is reported to the IRS is to be reported with your renewal. This information is available to the public through Check-A-Charity as required by law. If zeros are submitted on the Statement of Support/Revenue and Expense, zeros will appear in Check-A-Charity.

What if our financials are not yet completed but our license is about to expire? May we wait until these are prepared?

No. If your IRS 990 is not ready, complete and submit the Financial Statement included with your application. When the IRS 990 is ready, send it to update your file. FDACS does not recognize IRS extensions at this time.

What if I need an extension for submitting a financial statement?

If completing the Solicitation of Contributions Registration Application (FDACS-10100)[ application/pdf ], you may request a 180-day extension for filing of the financial statement only. A request for an extension can be made by checking the appropriate box under question 22 of the registration application. Failure to file a financial statement within the 180 days will result in automatic suspension of your registration. All registration documents and fees must be filed on or before the expiration date. Organizations completing Solicitation of Contributions Small Charitable Organizations/Sponsors Application (FDACS-10110)[ application/pdf ] are not eligible to request the 180-day extension. 

How much is the late fee for a licensed organization submitting a late renewal application?

The late filing fee shall be $25 for each month or part of a month after the date on which the annual renewal statement and financial report were due to be filed with FDACS.

Does grant money need to be reported?

Yes, it needs to be reported on the financial form with proper documentation; however, government grants are not included when calculating the registration fee.

How much is my registration fee?

Fees are based on the immediate preceding year’s financial report submitted by the organization. Newly formed organizations with NO PREVIOUS financial history must file a proposed budget. The Statement of Support/Revenue and Expenses included in the application can be used to submit a budget.

May I use the form from the website to renew our registration?

No. A preprinted renewal application will be mailed approximately 30 days in advance of your expiration date. If you did not receive the renewal application, you may call FDACS at 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352), or you can email your request to and have your renewal application emailed or mailed to you. 

We are going to hold a raffle, what do we need to do?

Requirements for raffles can be found in s. 849.0935, F.S. Additionally, the organization must be in compliance with Chapter 496, F.S.

Do we have to sign the application?

Yes. Additionally, the renewal form provides a section for the signature and contact information of the individual completing the form.

What is a conflict of interest certification?

Florida law now requires charities that do not fall into the small charity category to adopt a conflict of interest policy. You do not need to submit the policy to FDACS. However, you are required to submit a statement certifying that all board members and directors have read and understand the policy. One signature certifying on behalf of all board members is sufficient. A sample certification document that you can use can be found under the Additional Forms section. The IRS also has information about Conflict of Interest policies.

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