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Quarantine of Fruit Movement Begins in Parts of Pinellas to Eradicate Oriental Fruit Fly.

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Animal Industry Publications

See brochures on Avian Influenza, the National Poultry Improvement Plan, the Bronson Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory and more.

Aquaculture Publications

See aquaculture newsletters, brochures and other publications.

Consumer Protection Publications

View publications related to consumer protection.

Energy Reports and Publications

See the Florida Energy and Climate Plan, Office of Energy Annual Report, and more.

Forest & Wildfire Publications

Publications cover such topics as tree planting, forest pests and diseases, prescribed fire, outdoor burning and home fire safety.

Fruit and Vegetables Publications

View the FDACS Division of Fruit and Vegetables' annual reports.

Inspector General Reports and Documents

View the most recent Audit Plan, Audit Reports and Annual Report produced by the Office of the Inspector General.

Licensing Newsletters

See the latest newsletters from the Division of Licensing.

Long Range Program Plans

The Long Range Program Plan describes FDACS's mission, goals, objectives and measures for the upcoming fiscal year.

Marketing Publications

View promotional and informational materials produced by the FDACS Division of Marketing and Development. 

Marketing Videos

FDACS produces a variety of video programs to promote Florida agricultural products and provide information about FDACS programs.

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