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About Us

America's Future Inc., a nonprofit, 501c3 tax-exempt educational organization, was founded just after World War II in New York City by a group of businessmen dedicated to the preservation of two great fundamental American principles: the competitive, private enterprise system that has made our country strong and prosperous, and the constitutional form of government that has kept us free from the tyranny of individuals or factions.

Over the decades since its founding, America’s Future has led efforts to promote American exceptionalism and American principles through print, radio, TV, and other means.

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 America’s Future: Our Main Mission

America’s Future proudly works to further the following goals. Please consider subscribing to our newsletter, or making a donation. Together we can make America’s Future bright!

  • Protect American Values, the ideals of American Exceptionalism, with a focus on election integrity.
  • Revitalize the role of faith and faith communities especially, the Judeo-Christian values that our nation was founded upon.
  • Promote the virtues of free-market capitalism especially small business culture, which is the engine of the American economic system and a key part of the American Dream.
  • Promote the concept that strong families make for strong communities. Emphasize the role of women and mothers as vital to the long-term success of our Society and Republic.
  • Educate American citizens on the importance and the preeminence of the U.S. Constitution in our lives and our communities with a strong emphasis on individual liberty.

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We believe in, we stand for, above all, the God-given freedom of the individual.

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