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Grey's Anatomy recap: 'Bend and Break'

Callie and Arizona try to fix their relationship by taking a 30-day break from each other.
Ep. 05 | Aired Oct 23, 2014

BREAK-ING UP Callie tries to get through a break she never wanted to take.

Adam Taylor/ABC

Everyone is always breaking up or, at the very least, struggling through their relationships on Grey's Anatomy. It's something we expect from the show and almost as much a part of its DNA as its hospital setting. But somehow, despite all the devastating splits—Burke and Cristina, Izzie and Denny, Cristina and Owen—each new one still hurts. And tonight's was no exception.

Callie and Arizona kick off the episode yelling at each other in a therapist's office. There's a lot to yell at each other about: The leg, the pregnancy, the cheating—essentially, the first few minutes serve as a reminder to viewers that these two have gone through a lot of bad stuff. Between this scene and Arizona's opening voice-over where she discusses the point of no return, we know things probably aren't going to end well for dear Calzona.

But yet there's hope, because they're in therapy. Therapy solves everything, right? (If only.) They start taking the lessons they learn to heart, adopting awkward-but-healthy language so that every sentence they say to each other begins with "I feel like." Really, they have an entire conversation where each sentence starts with some variation on that phrase. I feel like it got a bit annoying, but whatever works for them.

The thing is, it wasn't working for them, so their therapist suggests they take a break. Arizona is all for it; Callie doesn't want to do it because she feels like taking a break translates to giving up. Now, this isn't a normal break. Usually when you picture a break, you think of the two people living apart for a bit and really testing out what it's like to live without each other. But Callie and Arizona don't technically start living apart—instead, they just move into separate rooms of their house. Feet away from each other. That alone isn't that weird, but the therapist also makes the two vow to not talk to each other (except for emergencies) or have sex for the 30 days they "live apart."

So here are Callie and Arizona, living in the same house, using the same kitchen, raising a daughter together, and yet... They have to completely ignore each other as if the other is invisible. Which doesn't seem helpful at all. And isn't helpful at all: On day one, Callie starts blabbing to Arizona as Arizona coldly glances at her before silently continuing to make toast. This is about the point in the episode when I first thought, "Maybe they need a new therapist."

Outside of their terribly chill home, Arizona isn't doing so well at her new fellowship. She's not confident and she's not trusted, so it's basically an all-around bad situation—not made any better by perpetual suck-up Graham. Callie is also kind of freaking out at work and runs into Meredith in the supply closet, which is convenient because both Callie and Meredith are having relationship struggles. So, naturally, they head to Joe's.

NEXT: Shots, shots, shots