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Movie Article

Julianne Moore

Playing a professor with early-onset Alzheimer's in ''Still Alice,'' she proves (again) that she's unforgettable

Image credit: LOIC VENANCE/AFP/Getty Images

Julianne Moore

You'd think that Hollywood types would become jaded after seeing (or shooting) so many onscreen tragedies. But when Julianne Moore attended a private screening of her new drama Still Alice—in which she plays a linguistics professor named Alice Howland diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's disease—she was startled to hear ''these kind of muffled sounds'' from her husband, director Bart Freundlich, seated beside her. ''I turned and saw him blowing his nose and I thought, 'Is he sick?''' the 53-year-old actress recalls. ''Then I thought, 'Oh my God, he's crying.'''

Originally posted Oct 23, 2014 Published in issue #1335 Oct 31, 2014 Order article reprints