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Tag: Sara Ramirez (1-3 of 3)

'Grey's Anatomy' star Sara Ramirez dissects shocking Calzona twist

Warning: This story contains major spoilers from Thursday’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy. Read at your own risk!

Calzona fans got quite the shock during Thursday’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy.


'Grey's Anatomy': Can Callie and Arizona's marriage survive?

Calzona fans are in for a roller coaster ride during this week’s Callie and Arizona-centric episode of Grey’s Anatomy.

After years of skirting around their issues—from Arizona (Jessica Capshaw) leaving for Africa, during which time Callie (Sara Ramirez) got knocked up by Mark, to Arizona losing her leg and eventually cheating on her wife—the couple will finally sit down for a much-needed therapy session.


Sara Ramirez previews Callie-centric 'Grey's Anatomy': 'She reaches the kind of breaking point we don't expect'

Grey’s Anatomy‘s resident orthopedic attending, Callie Torres, is no stranger to tragedy. Since first appearing on the show, she’s been married (twice), and cheated on (twice), not to mention that her ex-husband was then killed, and there was also that time she and her unborn daughter almost died in a car accident. And let’s not even get into the shooting or the plane crash aftermath. Rather, let’s skip ahead to the silver lining of all of her tragedies: They’ve made for some really entertaining television. It sounds horrible to say, but we aren’t the only ones who think so. “Somebody actually stopped me on the street the other day – no it was on set, she was visiting set – and said, ‘I have so enjoyed watching your tragedies through the years.’ It was like the strangest compliment I’ve ever gotten,” Ramirez said.

So what tragedy is Callie in for tonight? Surprisingly, her life won’t be the thing on the line. Her career, on the other hand, is the target of a malpractice suit. Yep, Grey’s is headed into the courtroom. “A lot of [this episode] is in the courtroom,” Ramirez said. “And we had an incredible director, Jeannot Szwarc, who has a lot of experience filming shows like The Practice, so he really got what that needs to look like, setting that kind of tone. It’s very different.”


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