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Movie Article

You Don't Know Jake

In recent years, Jake Gyllenhaal has quietly transformed himself into one of the most daring and complex actors of his generation. His nerve-rattling new film, ''Nightcrawler,'' made us wonder who he has become and where he wants to go. So we asked him.

Image credit: Chuck Zlotnick

Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal is running, hard. It is October 2013 and he is alone, at sunset, humping across the rugged hills of Los Angeles' Griffith Park, in a grueling 15-mile run to the set of his new movie, Nightcrawler. He does this every day. He has shed almost 30 pounds. He lives on kale salad and chewing gum. He has not seen his friends in weeks. As he runs, he recites lines—entire monologues—from the movie in his head like a mantra until he has the script memorized. ''I worked like a motherf---er,'' he says now. Each night, as he runs, he thinks about the creatures that shuffle out into the twilight. ''After mile 10, I'd have these strange fantasies of being one with the animals,'' he says. In particular, of being one with the coyotes. ''Growing up in L.A., you have these totally random interactions with coyotes. They're in my soul somewhere. They hold the power because they don't give a s---. They are hungry and they are out to get what they are going to get. It gave me this permission to become that.

Originally posted Oct 15, 2014 Published in issue #1334 Oct 24, 2014 Order article reprints