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Ice Bucket Challenge Hipsters: These Guantanamo Detainees Did It First

Kaitlan Collins
Entertainment Reporter

The Ice Bucket Challenge has gone viral lately on Facebook and Instagram, raising awareness for Lou Gehrig’s disease as people either dump a bucket of ice water on their head or donate $100 to the ALS Association. However, as with every trend, there are the hipsters who did it before everyone else. These Guantanamo Bay detainees were certainly first to do the ice bucket challenge, and it’s high time they got their due.

1. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

U.S. Officials Believe Mohammed

Photo from Getty Images

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was transferred to Guantanamo in 2006 after his 2003 capture in Pakistan. He has been identified by the “9/11 Commission Report” as the “mastermind of the 9/11 plot.” In 2008, CIA Director Gen. Michael V. Hayden publicly boasted that waterboarding had been used on KSM, making him one of the first hipsters to partake in the “Ice Bucket Challenge.” He tops the list because KSM took the challenge a record 183 times.

2. Ramzi Bin al Shibh

FBI Releases Pictures of Five al Qaeda Suspects

Photo from Reuters

Ramzi Bin al Shibh is a Yemeni citizen who has been held at the military base in Cuba for almost 12 years. He’s accused of war crimes and is considered a “key facilitator” in the 9/11 attacks. He has likely been nominated in the “Ice Bucket Challenge,” but it’s doubtful if he donated any money as well.

3. Abu Zubaydah

Photo from Tumblr

Abu Zubaydah, longtime ally of Osama Bin Laden, was arrested in Pakistan in 2002, and is considered one of 16 high-value detainees as he was another major figure in the 9/11 plots. He is another prisoner who Hayden confirmed had been waterboarded during his stay at the Cuban camp. Zubaydah took the “Ice Bucket Challenge” an impressive 83 times. 

4. Abu Faraj al Libi

Al Qaeda mastermind Abu Faraj Farj al Liby is seen in this undated handout picture released by Pakis..

Photo from Reuters

Abu Faraj al Libi was a central perpetrator in the 9/11 attacks. He has been in Guantanamo for almost eight years, and has been recommended for prosecution by the Guantanamo Review Task Force. He’s easily a record contender for helping raise ALS awareness.

5.  Abd al Rahim al Nashiri


Photo from ABC News

Abd al Rahim al Nashiri is the third al Qaeda prisoner who Hayden said he waterboarded. He was the mastermind behind the bombing of U.S. Navy Ship Cole in 2000 and chief of al Qaeda operations in the Arabian peninsula. We wonder who he nominated after doing his “Ice Bucket Challenge.” You have 24 hours!

Unfortunately since the bucket challenge went mainstream, they likely shun the idea of the water coming anywhere near them now. They also did their challenge hardcore, old-school style. Try to top this.

Watch their original tactics here:

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