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The Daily Caller

The Daily Caller

A VERY Humble Al Sharpton Likens Himself To Frederick Douglass

‘It is a customary, traditional role’

Obama Admin Conducting A Review Into Police Militarization

Ferguson, Mo. Protests

In light of killing of Michael Brown

Jason Riley, Juan Williams Agree: Asking If Cops 'Value Black Lives' Is 'A Stupid Conversation'

‘We talk about unemployment, we talk about poverty. But we don’t talk about black crime rates’

Curse Of Obamacare Now Curses Cursed Chicago Cubs

Tarp flop caused because Cubs want to avoid paying higher healthcare costs

Inmate Released 90 Years Early Is Back In Prison, But Fighting To Get Back Out


Clerical error led to his release, but he says he’s done his time

White House Strongly Hints US Will Bomb ISIS In Syria

‘We’re not going to be restricted by borders’

GAO: Growth in Food Stamp Recipients Overwhelms Anti-Fraud Efforts

Food Stamp Program

‘States will continue to have difficulty effectively combating fraud’

Lawsuit Number Two: Now Oregon's Suing Oracle Over Obamacare Disaster

Cover Oregon

More blame-throwing about failed Obamacare website

Cardiologist Indicted For Making Millions Performing Unnecessary Medical Procedures

Dr Persaud outside an Ohio courthouse Thursday

Knowingly misdiagnosed patients, referred them for costly surgeries

Foreign Killers Released Into US Neighborhoods

169 foreign killers were released in 24 states

Pentagon Official: ISIS Executioners Had No Idea Special Forces Chasing Them -- Until Admin Told Them

The failed, deadly politics of the Obama White House

St. Louis Medical Examiner SLAMS Man Hired To Conduct Independent Autopsy On Michael Brown

‘I find what Parcells does to be abysmal’

Anonymous Day Of Rage Over Michael Brown Fizzles Nationwide As Ragers Fail To Materialize

A couple dozen in Chicago; ’15 strong in Spokane at the moment!’

EPA Asks DHS To Go On Poop Patrol In Its Denver Office


The s**t hits the fan

State Department Bans Diplomats From Ice Bucket Challenge

U.S. Secretary of State Kerry delivers opening remarks at the "Our Ocean" conference at the State Department in Washington

‘Concerns about preference and favoritism always arise’

GAO: Obama Administration Broke Law With Bergdahl Swamp

Congress needed a heads up, report says

Philly Fed: Obamacare's Increasing Part-Time Work

U.S. President Obama delivers a statement on the situation in Iraq from his vacation home at Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts

And cutting full-time jobs

Farmers Compete With Wild Salmon For Water In California

A chinook salmon along with a school of shad pass through the viewing room at McNary Lock and Dam on the Columbia River, June 7, 2005 near Umatilla, Oregon. (Photo: Jeff T. Green/Getty Images)

‘It’s not our fault they have orchards to water in the desert’

Mark Kelly Nominates Wayne LaPierre To Take The Ice Bucket Challenge

Dumping water on your head is important to gun banners

Genetically Modified Food Labeling Initiative Makes The Colorado Ballot

Critics say if it passes it will ‘absolutely raise food prices’

Pro-Palestinian Protesters Block Off Brooklyn Bridge While Chanting 'Long Live The Intifada'

Screenshot: YouTube/Josiah Ryan

Also hung Palestinian flag from Manhattan Bridge

Investigations Underway, Suspected Voter Fraud In Virginia And Maryland

‘We can’t do anything in the time we have’

Megyn Kelly Upset When Ferguson Protests Interrupt Her ISIS Coverage

‘we’re talking about something important here’

TSA Sued Over Cover-Up Of Sexual Misconduct

‘You could tell it shouldn’t take that much groping’

Gov. Perry Says Obama's Border Policy Is Gift To Jihadis

Other GOP leaders are focusing on economic impact of immigration

Justice Department Ordered To Turn Over Fast And Furious Documents

No longer under Obama’s protection

A Stoner Named Stoner Arrested On Pot Charges

He had over $10,000 worth of marijuana plants in his home

Even Sports Illustrated Sent Someone To Ferguson


Football players warned they could be Michael Brown

Former SEALs And Green Berets Sent To Ferguson

Asymmetric Solutions

Private security contractor sends in The Expendables

Homeland Security Worried Ahead Of 'National Day Of Rage'

‘We do not forgive’

This Is How Senior Citizens Get Down

Not as lame as you might think

These Stunning Photos Make This American City Look Like A War Zone


Check out these photos of Ferguson, Missouri at it’s worst

Employers Rushing To Change Health Plans Before Obamacare Tax Hits

President Obama

Anything to avoid the Cadillac tax

Report: California Allocates More Water Rights Than It Has Actual Water

State regulators are now fining people who are wasting water

Fox's Shep Smith Blasts Gov. Nixon For Promising 'Vigorous Prosecution' Of Officer Wilson

‘You’re telling me that a potential grand juror doesn’t see that and say ‘the governor just took sides?”

Nelly Joins Protesters In Ferguson, Urging Them To Strategize Peacefully

St. Louis native tells marchers they are ‘outnumbered and outgunned’

Richard Dawkins Says NOT Aborting Babies With Down Syndrome Is Immoral

‘It would be immoral to bring it into the world if you have the choice’

My Time In The Middle Of Ferguson's Small, Highly Televised Riot

Getty Images/MICHAEL B. THOMAS, YouTube screenshot/Israel Unseen, The Daily Caller/Seth Richardson

Some looting, an appearance by Al Sharpton and entirely too many journalists

Report: EPA Exceeds Its Authority With Proposed Rules

Gina McCarthy YouTube screenshot/U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Congress should use ‘power of the purse’

VA Drug Addiction Worker Took Recovering Vet To A Crackhouse


Still hasn’t been fired over a year later

Must-Watch Heartbreaking Video: Black Man Attempts To Dissuade Looters In Ferguson, Reporter Attacked

‘I ain’t for the white man. I’m for everybody’

Poll: Teachers, Public Souring On Common Core

Hindenburg disaster Common Core Getty Images

Slim majority still supportive

IG: Obamacare's Medical Device Tax Not Bringing In As Much As Expected

IRS can’t keep figure out who owes what

Voters To Decide Open-Carry Law In Colorado Town

‘We’re confident in our election process’

'You Don't Need Tanks!' Fox's 'Outnumbered' Heats Up Over Police Militarization

‘In a democratic society, you can second-guess. That’s our job!’

Coal Crackdown Hits West Coast Export Terminals

‘Coal exports are going nowhere fast’

CNN Anchor: 'Why Not Use Water Cannons' Against Ferguson Rioters?

‘Maybe something that targets this small group?’

Father Of Police Brutality Victim: Hickenlooper Has 'Ignored Us'

‘Just a ploy for you to get votes’

Medical Examiner: Marijuana Could Have Made Brown Act 'In A Crazy Way'

Officer says Brown assaulted, charged him

Democratic Candidates Won't Talk About Ferguson Fracas

It’s as if they think Ferguson riots are a threat

Think Tank To Amnesty International: 'Suck It'

Screenshot: YouTube/Center for Strategic & International Studies

Blames tweet on intern

ON THE GROUND IN FERGUSON: Monday Protests Turn Violent [PHOTOS]

The latest from the Daily Caller reporters on the scene

Fox Reporter Confronted On-Air By Angry Ferguson Protester

‘I don’t give a damn if y’all on TV. I don’t care about that s***!’

MSNBC: 'Endangering Lives' in Ferguson

Lean stupid

Chris Hayes, Comma, Rocks

“People are angry, man”

Google-Owned Solar Plant INCINERATES At Least 1,000 Birds A Year


Protesters Target CNN Over Its Coverage Of Ferguson Shooting

Reportedly angry at the network’s coverage of Brown’s death

Mel Gibson Has Nothing On The Drunk DA That Rick Perry Sidelined

Twice the Lethal (Weapon) limit

Preliminary Report: Over A Dozen Witnesses Back Darren Wilson's Story

Wilson’s friend said Brown ‘bum rushed’ him

Police Shoot Two Rioters In Ferguson After Both Sides Exchanged Gunfire

Four police officers injured

WSJ's Jason Riley Unloads On Obama, Black Leadership And The Media Over Ferguson

‘The real difficulty is not getting shot by other black people, if you are a young black man!’

Whistle-Blower: 'The VA System Is A Perfect Example Of Cronyism'

U.S. soldiers. Getty Images.

Is crony-hiring at the core of the VA scandal?

Lawyers: Send Obamacare Subsidies Case Straight To Supreme Court

Obama admin wants lower court to hear it over again

Blow Out Victory: Texas Border Patrol Apprehends 5000...Hairdryers


‘This seizure is the latest example of the vigilance and attention to detail our officers pay to protect consumers’

Monday Brings Protests To Ferguson, Two Arrested

Two arrested

Hilarious Dad Puts His Foot Down: I'M NOT DRIVING TO FLORIDA! [VIDEO]

‘I know it’s my mother’s 90th birthday … but I don’t want to drive!’

Limbaugh: White Cops Killing Black Kids All The Time Is 'A Myth'

‘It furthers the Democratic Party’s agenda’

Officer Darren Wilson's Version Of Michael Brown Shooting Comes Out

‘And then all the sudden he just started bumrushing him’

Prison-To-Pot-Farm Plan Met With Skepticism In Rural Colorado

‘I don’t think that a large pot growing facility is a wise use of our water resources’

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Hacked: What's Missing Is Unknown

File illustration picture of computer keyboard with letters stacked forming the word 'password' taken in Warsaw

‘NRC’s computer security office thwarts the vast majority of attempts’

Was Michael Brown Charging The Cop When He Was Killed?

Provides additional details after Monday’s press conference

Chinese Hackers Stole Info From 4.5 Million Hospital Patients

hospital bed small

That includes names, addresses, birth dates, telephone numbers and Social Security numbers