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The Daily Caller

The Daily Caller

Ninth Life

(Photo: Getty Images)

‘I deeply regret using such a poor choice of words’

Liberal Groups Sue Obama Admin For Expedited Deportation Process

Immigration Activists Demonstrate In Los Angeles

Complain that Obama is pushing migrants through a ‘deportation mill’

New Ad Slams Democratic Senator's Work Ethic

‘Why can’t Mark Begich show up to vote when it’s time to vote?’

Gutfeld: Obama Only Golfed After Beheading Statement 'Because Fox News Said Not To'

‘He’s like a sullen teenager’

Krauthammer Accuses Obama Of 'Willful Blindness' On Terrorism

‘He knows that the threat is there, and what’s happening is he isn’t on board’

The DNC Does Not Like That Rand Paul Dinged Obama While Abroad

Paul slammed Obama’s immigration policies

Look Who Has Tied The New Hampshire Senate Race

Scott Brown campaign fundraising off poll

Pentagon Official: ISIS Executioners Had No Idea Special Forces Chasing Them -- Until Admin Told Them

The failed, deadly politics of the Obama White House

Boehner Hits Obama For 'Serious Lapse In Judgment' On Bergdahl Swap

GAO says Obama administration broke the law

Harry Reid Jokes About Asians

Not very good jokes, either

Mitt Romney Takes The Ice Bucket Challenge With Help From Paul Ryan

While wearing a suit, too

DNC Chief: Illegals Make 'The Backbone Of Our Economy'

Immigration reform ‘isn’t about politics at all’

Obama Gets Poor Poll Ratings For Ferguson Problem

He needs good ratings among Democrats to help keep the Senate in November

This Story Tells You Everything You Need To Know About Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton

You’ve probably never heard it

Dem Politician: Grant Illegals Amnesty Or They'll Become Terrorists


Deporting them is too expensive, anyway

Another 2,000 Insurance Policies Cancelled In Colorado


Thanks, Obamacare

GAO: Obama Administration Broke Law With Bergdahl Swamp

Congress needed a heads up, report says

Investigations Underway, Suspected Voter Fraud In Virginia And Maryland

‘We can’t do anything in the time we have’

Gov. Perry: US Should Destroy Islamist Army

Tough stance contrasts with Sen. Rand Paul’s equivocation

Mark Kelly Nominates Wayne LaPierre To Take The Ice Bucket Challenge

Dumping water on your head is important to gun banners

Chris Matthews Hits Obama For Treating Beheading As 'Criminal Matter'

‘These people are our geopolitical enemies’

'That's One Cold Bastard': Scarborough Thinks Terrorists Intimidated By Obama's Golfing

‘They are negotiating with Spock with a pitching wedge’

Justice Department Ordered To Turn Over Fast And Furious Documents

No longer under Obama’s protection

Gov. Perry Says Obama's Border Policy Is Gift To Jihadis

Other GOP leaders are focusing on economic impact of immigration

Grand Jury That Indicted Rick Perry Stacked With At Least One Partisan Democrat

(Photo: Facebook/Rho David Chalmers)

‘For me, it’s not a political decision’

Liberals Up To 3 Times More Likely Than Conservatives To Back Hiring Foreign Workers Instead Of Americans

Immigration and economics have merged into one issue, pollster says

Seven Reasons The Case Against Rick Perry Is A Joke

Texas Governor Rick Perry at the Travis County courthouse in Austin

Stupid, stupid, nonsense, lame

Finally, A Democrat Runs A Pro-Obamacare Ad -- But Won't Even Say Its Name

Can’t be that proud of it

John Kerry Says ISIS 'Will Be Crushed' -- But Does President Obama Agree?

If history is any guide, perhaps not

Unions Are Up In Arms That GOP May Win New Mexico House

They fear the passage of right-to-work legislation

Marijuana Industry Raises Money For Anti-Pot Governor

But not everyone in the industry is high on the incumbent

Judge Denies Motion To Stop Unionization of Minnesota Homecare Providers

‘In effect Governor Dayton is picking the SEIU as the lobbyists for Minnesota’s personal care provider’

Billionaire Environmentalist Hits Cory Gardner With First Attack Ad

Colorado Senate race may be most expensive

Nervous? Dems Spend Big Following Sullivan's Alaska GOP Primary Win

Hundreds of thousands spent Wednesday

CNN Explodes After Larry Elder Says Racism 'Is Not A Major Problem In This Country'

‘We’ve been training black people to think racism is a bigger deal’

Sarah Palin To Tina Fey: You Owe Me

‘At least pay for my kids’ braces or something’

Tantaros: Muslims 'Have Been Doing This For Hundreds And Hundreds Of Years'

‘They do this to people every day’

Breastfeeding And The Right

A baby yawns while his mother breastfeeds him during a rally to raise public awareness and support for breastfeeding by the steps of New York City Hall in Manhattan

If conservatives care about family values and defense of tradition, then this certainly meets the definition

Jason Riley Slams Holder: 'Looters And Rioters Don't Need To Hear That Criticism Of Obama Is Race-Based'

‘They need to pull up their pants and finish school and take care of their kids’

Democrats Throw 2016 Campaign Rally For Rick Perry

Congratulations, geniuses

Joe Miller Falls In GOP Alaska Senate Primary

Mark Sullivan faces Mark Begich for crucial Senate seat

When Following The News Is A Bad Idea

Police officers in riot gear watch demonstrators protesting against the shooting of Michael Brown from the side of a building in Ferguson

Sometimes ignorance is bliss

Rick Perry Gets His Mugshot Taken

Gets ice cream afterward

Unions Hesitant To Endorse Andrew Cuomo

‘The governor and his old boys club better watch out’

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver To Obama: Stay Away From Ferguson

‘We don’t need that now’