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The Daily Caller

The Daily Caller

Krauthammer Accuses Obama Of 'Willful Blindness' On Terrorism

‘He knows that the threat is there, and what’s happening is he isn’t on board’

Obama Goes To War Against Jihadis

The tide of war is rising

White House Strongly Hints US Will Bomb ISIS In Syria

‘We’re not going to be restricted by borders’

'That's One Cold Bastard': Scarborough Thinks Terrorists Intimidated By Obama's Golfing

‘They are negotiating with Spock with a pitching wedge’

Obama With Some Strong Words Against Islamic State: It 'Speaks For No Religion'

‘Their victims are overwhelmingly Muslim’

Tantaros: Muslims 'Have Been Doing This For Hundreds And Hundreds Of Years'

‘They do this to people every day’

Bringing Moral Clarity To America's Counterterrorism Policy

Still image taken from video of a man purported to be the reclusive leader of the militant Islamic State Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi making what would be his first public appearance at a mosque in Mosul

Humanitarian war is unjustifiable, but it’s clear that ISIS could pose a security threat in the future.

Obama Takes Break From Vacation, Jets Back To The White House For Crisis Meetings

It’s a great place to be photographed during a crisis

Obama's Iraq PR: Military Offensive Is Actually Defensive

He only has to help progressives fool themselves until November 5

Dem Lawmaker Complains Obama Ignores Congress

‘Congress is really tired of presidents just going in by themselves’

Why Should Terrorists Get To Decide What We Call Them?

Still image taken from video of a man purported to be the reclusive leader of the militant Islamic State Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi making what would be his first public appearance at a mosque in Mosul

They’re terrorists

Obama's Mission Not-Accomplished, Insist Iraqi And U.N. Officials

Thousands left on mountain, but they may not want to leave

Iraq Prime Minister Is OUT

Bush ally agrees to resign amid warfare

Mission Accomplished On Iraq's Mount Sinjar, Obama Declares

But Iraqi officials say thousands are still trapped

Obama Emerges From Vacation, Urges 'Peace And Calm' In Ferguson

‘Now is the time for healing’

Mark Levin: Obama 'Doesn't Seem To Give A Damn' About World Unrest

‘I don’t think we’ve ever had a more pathetic commander in chief in our life’

US May Send Rescue Mission For Iraqi Refugees, Says Senior Official

Decision to be made within the week

Child ISIS Member: 'I Swear To Allah We Will Divide America In Two'

‘We promise car bombs and explosives’

'Incredibly Absurd'

‘I can’t believe you’re serious about that’