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The Daily Caller

Washington Post Columnist Gets In Another Bar Skirmish

A bartender at Hops & Barley brewpub pours a pint of beer on November 12, 2013 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Adam Berry/Getty Images) A bartender at Hops & Barley brewpub pours a pint of beer on November 12, 2013 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Adam Berry/Getty Images)  

Another weekend. Another tussle in a bar with Washington Post columnist Clinton Yates, whose weekends appear to be an open book when he’s out on the town.

The latest incident transpired at a horrible Washington watering hole off Dupont Circle called Science Club, a claustrophobic den of space where it’s difficult to hear even within inches of space. The scene quickly turned confrontational as the bouncer thought Yates was smashed.

“And I was the one coming to meet my drunk and totally awesome friends,” the reporter explained over Twitter.

Yates was initially denied entrance by a doorman who thought he was intoxicated.

Here’s the gist from his Twitter feed:

“So, let’s review what happened last night. I went to meet a couple friends at @ScienceClub. No biggie, done it a million times before. …Last night, I walk up with a friend. The doorguy, who happens to be the owner, I think? Straight up says ‘you’re not getting in.’ Ookaay. Literally, no words had been exchanged. After a kind of awkward situation, he says “dude, your 4 friends vouched for you, you’re lucky. Mind you, they were HAMMERED. I was randomly showing up for a birthday meetup, and this dude is treating me like I’m some jackass. Needless, to say, my boys all got up and immediately left, because the situation warranted as such. And then TODAY, these clowns tweet back.”

The next day, Science Club astonishingly tweeted back at Yates.

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Yates later accused the bar of “random discrimination, by writing: “Hey, @ScienceClub, your random discrimination polices are quite wack.”

But in the end, Yates gave the doorman the benefit of the doubt — at least on some level. “Yeah, I think he was just having a bad night and maybe took it out on me?” he wrote. “Either way, wack sitch.”

He says he’ll never return. “So, yeah. @ScienceClub, it was nice to know you, I guess,” he wrote. “You’ll never be Eighteenth Street Lounge, anyway.”

Yates’ last bar scuffle happened earlier in the summer on the fourth of July when the 33-year-old attempted to hang out in Caddies, a Bethesda, Md. bar, with an underage friend. He was never dishonest about the friend’s age, and neither was his friend. The waitress wouldn’t believe Yates was his age, despite showing her a valid D.C. license. The pair were nonetheless tossed from the bar.

Yates doesn’t always report on his bar fights. He also tweets about bathroom situations, as did about Poste in July. “Every time I’m here, I manage to forget about the bathroom situation at @PosteDC,” he wrote. “I need @alanziberman on the case.” (He was referring to Bright Young Thing‘s film editor Alan Zilberman.) And more recently in August, he delved into another bathroom, writing, “So, the homey @stjbs told me this place has the craziest bathroom ever. I’m in line now. We’ll see how this goes.”

The Mirror eagerly awaits more wack Yates bar and bathroom sitches.