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Jonathan Liebesman Talks TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES Reboot; Addresses “Alien Race” Comments and Hints at Motion-Capture

by Adam Chitwood    Posted:March 23rd, 2012 at 9:20 am


Michael Bay caused quite the hubbub the other day with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fans.  He’s producing a new iteration of the lovable characters in the form of a live-action reboot directed by Jonathan Liebesman (Wrath of the Titans).  Said hubbub was caused when Bay commented that the turtles in the reboot would be “from an alien race.” Fans were perplexed given that the word “mutant” is right in the title of the series, and “alien race” would imply that these new martial arts-inclined turtles weren’t mutated, but are actually extra terrestrial beings.

Steve got the chance to speak with Liebesman at the press junket for Wrath of the Titans earlier today and the director took the time to clear the air about his version of TMNT.  He addressed the “alien race” comments, talked about his approach to the characters, revealed whether they’re thinking CGI or practical effects to bring the turtles to life, and said when he thinks they’ll start filming and where.  Hit the jump to see what he had to say.

Jonathan_Liebesman-TMNT-Teenage-Mutant-Ninja-Turtles-movieRegarding the “alien race” comments, Liebesman said the “alien” aspect actually comes straight from the series:

“Look, it’s so funny—if everyone was such a die-hard fan, they would know that the TCRI canisters where the ooze comes from.  That is alien ooze.  Now I’m not saying what Michael said is exactly what the movie is, because we’re sitting in a room now figuring everything out.  So we don’t know, but we are like Michael said: we’re expanding it, and the expansion will be true to the mythology.  I promise you: fans will love it.”

While it still sounds early in the development process, it appears the whole “alien” aspect may simply be referring to the ooze that mutates the turtles. As Liebesman said, they’re still working out the concept so things could definitely change. He stressed that TMNT comics co-creator Kevin Eastman is working alongside him, so they’re not exactly throwing the series mythology out the window:

TMNT-Teenage-Mutant-Ninja-Turtles-comic-book“Whatever mythology we’re building on or expanding is coming from that guy, Kevin Eastman’s head, who created the Turtles in the first place.  And so everything will tie in with the mythology; fans will be extremely excited with what we’re coming up with.  A lot of it is stuff he’s wanted to do for a long time, but just hasn’t had the opportunity because now we have the budget and things on this film to expand it in the right way.  And so, I’m happy that everyone is extremely passionate, and they will not be disappointed.  It’s all coming from the best possible place for this franchise.”

When asked if the turtles would be practical or CGI, Liebesman hinted that they may be done similar to another recent visual effects-laden project:

“All I’ll say is that I love how they did [The Rise of the Planet of the Apes].  That was exceptional.”

TMNT-Teenage-Mutant-Ninja-Turtles-movie-live-actionI think this is a great way to go, and if Liebesman can bring Weta Digital in to create photorealistic turtles then I think we’ll be in for a visually stunning TMNT. The director also stressed that the film won’t be entirely about action:

“We’re definitely into the action, but for me what’s more important than that is that it’s a story about brotherhood and friendship and responsibility.  Right now, I’m with the characters because those are what attracted me to the movie.  They’re the best characters I’ll have had a chance to deal with.”

Liebesman also revealed that they’ll probably be shooting later this year (“September, or something”) and they’re thinking about shooting in Canada. I’m not necessarily a die-hard TMNT fan, but I think I can live with the fact that the ooze in the reboot comes from an “alien race.” Having the turtles themselves be aliens would be pushing it, but if Liebesman’s comments are to be taken to heart then I think fans will be alright in the end.

Here’s the portion of Steve’s interview on TMNT.  Look for the full interview next week and make sure to leave your thoughts in the comments below.


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User Comments (58 Responses)
  1. jarvis3205 @

    I just don’t know how high or far they can go with this to make it relevant anymore.

    Maybe it’d work…just don’t know.

  2. Tim @

    I feel alot better now. This is starting to sound very interesting!

  3. Patrick Cooper @

    Andy Serkis as Splinter

    • Dan @

      Patrick Cooper, I think Andy Serkis would be an interesting choice, but for me personally, I would want to see George Dekay. Who would you get for the rest of the characters?

  4. steel s @

    teenage alien ninja turtles

  5. steel s @

    teenage alien ninja turtles… Meh

  6. mattedscreen @

    Thinking about it, even alien turtle things would be better than anything in the sum total of the third movie.

  7. Victor Sideburns @

    Listen, if the ooze is alien stuff, there’s no problem. The problem is turning the turtle into aliens, that’s the problem.

  8. Geek Squad trainee @

    “if everyone was such a die-hard fan, they would know that the TCRI canisters where the ooze comes from. That is alien ooze. ”

    Most die hard fans know that ooze came from TCRI which is a front for alien race known as Utroms. But that doesn’t make the Turtles themselves aliens. And to say that it does would make no sense to the title. I don’t know what exactly they’re doing hopefully Michael’s comments is just a misinterpretation on his part. But whatever the answer is I don’t think an overcomplicated story about their origin is necessary. Since some of the best Turtle stories has nothing to do with their origin. Stories like Return To New York, City At War, The River, Soul’s Winter, “Sometimes They Come Back”. etc. These maybe good ideas for a sequel, but I think the film should treated as if there weren’t going to be any sequel.

  9. sense 11 @

    In Michael Bay I Don’t Trust

  10. Salfie @

    I think that’s absolutely fine that they wanna go in a different direction, but they shouldn’t act like their established fan base doesn’t understand the product. Whether Eastman and company want to admit it or not, the comics were never as popular as the movies and cartoon show. Was it completely true to the source material? Maybe not, but that’s how most people experienced the TMNT. Making it dark and gritty and emotionally wrenching is not going to elevate the turtles for anyone.

  11. Geek Squad trainee @

    Most die hard fans know that ooze came from TCRI which is a front for alien race known as Utroms. But that doesn’t make the Turtles themselves aliens. And to say that it does would make no sense to the title. I don’t know what exactly they’re doing hopefully Michael’s comments is just a misinterpretation on his part. But whatever the answer is I don’t think an overcomplicated story about their origin is necessary. Since some of the best Turtle stories has nothing to do with their origin. Stories like Return To New York, City At War, The River, Soul’s Winter, “Sometimes They Come Back”. etc. These maybe good ideas for a sequel, but I think the film should treated as if there weren’t going to be any sequel.

    • Lank @

      @Salfie Comics in general are less popular than movies and indie comics are less popular than ones put out by the big two.

      It doesn’t change the fact that the first TMNT movie is the one truest to the comics with some influence from the ten current cartoon and was BY FAR the most successful and the one that still holds up today.

      The further the sequels strayed from the source material the worse they got and the less well they did.

      Right now dark comic book adaptions that stay close to the source are the “in” thing so any idiot can see that’s the way they should go.

  12. ScaredForMovies @

    We know the ooze is alien created twat. That doesn’t mean the turtles mutated by it on earth are aliens. Turtles are reptiles from the planet earth aren’t they? Don’t insult our intelligence while trying to save face. Here’s an idea. Don’t have Michael Bay shoot his mouth off about something he doesn’t know or care about. All he cares about is the green, and I don’t mean turtles.

    • ya @

      chill the fuck out asswipe

      • ScaredForMovies @

        With a name like “Ya” I’m surprised you were able to spell a two syllable word like asswipe. I guess I’ve offended a fan of Michael Bays production company. Are I Am Number 4, the new Nightmare on Elm Street, the new Friday the 13th, & the Unborn your favs? Oh wait maybe your a fan of Liebesman. What was your favourite of his? Was it Darkness Falls, Battle of Los Angeles, or Clash of the Titans? Do I nee to say more?

  13. Grayden @

    TCRI or TGRI?

    I thought it was “Techno-Global Research Industries”…

    • Futurist @

      @Grayden In the comics it was TCRI . (Techno Cosmic Research Institute)

      It was a front for aliens stranded on Earth building a transmat to return home. The ooze was radioactive waste from their machines.

      The movies renamed it TGRI and only hinted at not being exactly what it seemed.

  14. Dan @

    It was TCRI in the comics and 4Kids toon and TGRI in the films.

  15. Larry @

    It’s TCRI in the comics. TGRI was the name of the company used for the 2nd movie.

  16. ya @

    about goddamn time eastman decided to get in on the franchise again. had enough of laird. pretty pumped for this i gotta say. and if they do it in the same style that ROTPOTA was done in – holy shit that’s gonna be killer.

  17. Kevin @

    I agree that most of the outcry came from fans of the cartoon and action figures– which I did love when I was a kid. But the fact that they want to expand it so that it has more of the comic mythology is going to irritate the people who think they know about TMNT but really don’t know anything at all. I have a feeling this movie will be the best Turtles movie yet.

    • ecto1a @

      Exactly-they think they know & really don’t have a clue

      Some of us turtle fans were 5 and 6 when we got hooked. And we got hooked by the toon and movie. BUT some of us graduated to the comics and thus are still fans in our 20′s and 30′s. I mean, how many 20-30yr olds can actually sit down and watch the toon or sequels and really enjoy it…….a Batman Begins style reboot though, that’s awesome and the timing is perfect.

  18. Willie @

    People need to chill this is the way the story relly happens, in fact in tmnt 2 because of budget restraints they werent able to do what they wanted, which is at the end the doctor that works at tgri is an utrom.

  19. Ian @

    I think it’s great fans are that passionate, but I have to say, in the end, it’s really not that big a deal.

    I mean, Liebesman has never directed a movie that was good enough to be considered mediocre and everything that Bay has produced through Platinum Dunes is pretty lousy — so basically this movie has very little chance of being good anyway.

  20. tyrone @

    If Jonathan Liebesman directs this teenage mutant ninja turtles movie i hope he’s stays close to the original mirage comic book story and do not add any thing from the other incarnations like the retarted fred wolf animated series the bebop rocksteady the white fly baxter stcokman and krang should only be cameos or back ground characters and no pizza junkie silly kidde turtles, not actual charaters in this movie. and do not let paramout and michale bay fuck this up and dont make it related to the nick tv show it should be dark with blood guts and gore with some profanity with a small bit of teenage stereotype comdey little fans whant to see the comic come to life on the big screen bring the black baxter stockman and his mouser robots ,purple dragons, the shredder ,and the utroms and april and leave it at a clif hanger by making splinter die and the turtles go to outer space to the tricerritons planet and a rematch with the shredder and return of there master and casey jones appaerance to set up the next movie. i whould also like to see mike and don get equal sceens as leo and raph dose and i whould like to see raph portrade as a african american rebel, gangter ,and a new yorker acksent leo can stay serious and some times make jokes mike can stay the way he is a californian surffer dude personality/jokester and don stay a smart technobabbel turtle. also let the turtles use there weapons and use against the bad guys ,show there struggle training with them,the last movies the turtles where in they never hurt any one them or just drop them in battle so corerrect that. also put in the hamato yoshi origin with nagi

  21. tyrone @

    i prey that this guy will make the mirage comic book stories into a movie just like the people who acurately made watchmen or 300 movies.

  22. Ben @

    Could we please get Shredder and Krang in this movie? I want some Dimension X action going on, instead of the lame villains in the last few films. How about some rock soldiers and Rocksteady and Beebob, since they’ve never made an appearance in any film.

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