News and Events

Yucatán to New York

01 September, 2016 – WCPUN Cultural Adviser Renée Niño de Rivera presents the next phase of her project to advance the economic development of women artisans in Abalá, Yucatánel grupo entero adentro -1, Mexico. The new RNR collection fuses modern design in luxury textile with traditional embroidery craftsmanship. The line is available for sale at in SoHo at the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) and Timo Weiland store.The presentation was attended by Mexican Consul General Ambassador Diego Gomez-Pickering and Ambassador Gina Abercrombie.Embajadora Gina Abercrombie, RNR, Timo Weiland, Christopher Hyland, Embajador Diego Gomez-Pickerin*