
Weakness of democracy undermines calls for justice for journalists on Impunity Day

2023-11-01. Despite fine words and lofty goals for a more just, equal world, time and again the principles underpinning a rights-based society are simply ignored. The press bears the brunt daily.

WAN-IFRA condemns the Chilean president’s attacks on the press and recalls that freedom of expression is a fundamental right.

2023-10-27. WAN-IFRA, the World Association of News Publishers, strongly condemns threats and political pressure on journalists after Gabriel Boric’s harsh criticism of Chilean media.

Fight back against normalisation of attacks on journalists – Martha Ramos

2023-10-27. The disturbing number of journalists killed, harmed or jailed while doing their job keeps rising – amid continued failure to get justice for most of these crimes. Ahead of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, Martha Ramos, President of the World Editors Forum, calls for a more forceful response from newsrooms.

Editors condemn prison sentences for Iranian journalists

2023-10-27. Iranian journalists Niloofar Hamedi and Elaheh Mohammadi, recipients of WAN-IFRA’s 2023 Golden Pen of Freedom Award, were sentenced this week to 12 and 13 years in prison, drawing widespread condemnation and renewed calls for their release.

WAN-IFRA’s renewed partnership with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs strengthens links between Norwegian and international editors.

2023-10-24. On Monday 23 October, editors from across East Central Africa and Southeast Asia and Norway met to share best practices in audience engagement and monetisation strategies to formally re-launch the mentoring programme at the heart of WAN-IFRA’s long-standing partnership with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to strengthen independent media.

Palestinian journalists facing deadly impact of Gaza conflict.

2021-10-17. A deadly week for journalists has seen 15 colleagues killed across the region and numerous injuries, arrests, and threats reported as targeting of the press intensifies.

Free training, checklists, guides and tools to promote safe reporting as journalists’ deaths rise

2023-10-13. WAN-IFRA has condemned the mounting killings of journalists in the Israel-Hamas conflict and has urged governments and news organisations to do everything possible to allow them to do their work safely. For those heading to danger zones, or covering the story online, here is a list of resources from media support organisations.

CEO of Austria’s news agency: “The media are under pressure, as is democracy”

2023-10-13. An independent media is at the heart of a democratic society. But in more and more countries, the media are under pressure. And so is democracy, says Clemens Pig, CEO of APA. In his new book “Democracy Dies in Darkness” he describes the key role of news agencies in the fight for independent media and democracy.

Safe coverage in the Israel-Gaza conflict

2023-10-12. One element that underpins all reporting of the Israel-Gaza crisis, and applies universally to every news organisation, is how safe their journalists are and whether lessons learned from previous conflicts are being effectively applied.

WAN-IFRA condemns killing of journalists in Israel-Hamas conflict

2023-10-11. WAN-IFRA calls on both sides to respect international humanitarian law and to do everything conceivable to ensure journalists can safely do their work. This follows news reports that six Palestinian journalists were among hundreds of civilian casualties across Israel and Gaza in the last 72 hours.