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W3C process sets different requirements on the way issues are addressed. What are the tools available to track these issues? How could they be improved?

ExIT:: an XML Schema based solution specifically designed to match the way issues are handled in W3C process; uses W3C Technologies, but lacks a friendly GUI W3C Bugzilla:: Bugzilla is an open source project used to track bugs in software projects, but that some groups use to track issues; complete UI, but ill-adapted to the way W3C works; maybe the the WCAG version is better? How is this done? W3C HTML Working Group Voyager Issue Tracking System:: The system used by the HTML Working Group to track its issues; works with an email interface (ie, you send mail to a given mailing list, and get an acknowledgement + records the issue in the database); @@@ how does it work? can the code be re-used for a wider audience? Poorman issues tracker:: This tools extracts issues from a given mailing list, by using conventions in the subject lines to denote the status of an issue; limited by the threading break between the archives period (could be overridden by longer periods for the archives?), and not very richful to track related information I18N Issues tracker:: A nice UI, a mail interface, based on XML; @@@ Could this the UI needed for ExIT?

A Team-only thread relates to this very specific topic; see if there is more to be extracted from it.

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