Kevin's Story: Housing, Employment and a Vehicle

“After being in a long-term relationship during active addiction, my Voices of Hope participant took the initiative to get on medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD). In just a few short months he gained employment, secured housing, and was working on getting a vehicle. We were able to help with rental assistance and the participant is so grateful they are able to sustain safe housing for he and their 15-year-old son! My participant has now been granted custody.” – Shawna, Voices of Hope (VOH) Recovery Coach

Joe’s Story: Help with Homelessness & Recovery

“My Voices of Hope participant Joe just reached a huge milestone; successfully completing 30 days of Methadone treatment without missing a single appointment. His perseverance is amazing. Joe is currently experiencing homelessness and walks over an hour each way to make it to the Methadone clinic every morning. He has expressed a strong desire to transition into housing. Living in a tent is a very rough way to live. Joe continues to press on even with so many barriers, and he expresses appreciation for Voices of Hope support.” ​ – Megan, Voices of Hope Recovery Coach

Meagan’s Story: MOST Participant…to Coach

“Five years ago, I was referred to Voices of Hope and Norton Maternal Opiate and Substance Treatment (MOST) Program. I was six months pregnant, using opioids, and had extremely low amniotic fluid. My OB admitted me into the hospital where I began the program, was put on Buprenorphine, and kept hospitalized for about a week. I felt very ashamed being admitted into the Program, and it took me a long time to even tell that part of my story due to the stigma attached to struggling with substance use disorder while pregnant.

Almost exactly five years later, I am now a Recovery COACH for Voices of Hope and the Norton MOST Program. I get to work alongside the very people who helped me get into recovery. I am truly grateful to be able to turn such a negative and dark time in my life into something positive that can help other pregnant women. I hope I can be a beacon of hope for the women I’ll be working with as a Recovery Coach, just as I needed that hope when I was entering the program.​ – Meagan, Voices of Hope Recovery Coach

Wendy’s Story – Empowering a Mom with Treatment and Employment

“A Voices of Hope participant, Wendy, had been sustaining in her medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) treatment. Two months ago, Wendy had returned to drug use and it took her awhile to reintegrate fully back in to her Methadone program.

Back in recovery, Wendy has since found a job that will allow she and her partner to take care of their two children and get back to a steady income. They had bills that piled up, and their electricity was about to be cut off before her first paycheck. Voices of Hope was able to get this bill paid through Barrier Relief, so now Wendy’s family is not in danger of losing power. Wendy and her family are very grateful that Voices of Hope was able to assist so fast.” – Kimi, Voices of Hope Recovery Coach

Family Support in Carter County

“This week we started the first SMART Family & Friends meeting through Voices of Hope at my church. This is the first time Carter County has ever had a meeting to support people who have loved ones with addictive behaviors. I am so excited to be a part of this and to see what the future holds.​” – Hope, Voices of Hope Recovery Coach

Rodger’s Story: From Homelessness to Recovery to Employment

“Rodger, a Voices of Hope participant, was homeless and living on the street in Maysville, Kentucky. He reached out to Voices of Hope and asked for help to relocate to the Covington area.  Voices of Hope transported Rodger and when he arrived, he went to the Fair Haven Mission to stay until VOH was able to place him in stable housing. Since he’s been here, Voices of Hope has placed him into a sober living house and introduced him to the Life Learning Center where he has enrolled in the nine-week Program. We have been working on Rodger’s resume and he started a new job!”– Voices of Hope Recovery Coach

Kim’s Story: Successfully Managing Health Issues, Homelessness and Substance Abuse Disorder

“Kim, a Voices of Hope participant, experienced homelessness. She and her significant other were assisted with a two-week motel stay but after that they had no place else to go. Kim and her partner both have extreme health issues and one was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. Both of them had high health care costs, so saving up for an apartment move-in deposit was not possible.

Kim told me how stressed she was concerning their living situation, and stated she didn’t know what else to do. Kim was afraid that if they had to live “on the streets” that their health would only get worse, and she would end up losing her partner because she would not be able to properly care for him.

 First, Voices of Hope investigated several different Madison County options for rental assistance but there were none. Kim felt defeated. When we told her that Voices of Hope could help, she had faith again and would do whatever needed to be done to make it happen. After working with Kim to search for something affordable and prepare the proper documentation, we turned in the housing assistance request.

 It wasn’t but a week before we got the good news, they were approved! I was so proud of how fast and on top of things Kim was. When I called to tell her the good news, Kim cried and kept saying thank you. She said she was very grateful for Voices of Hope and even wrote us a thank you card for all the hard work. She was grateful that we believed in them and never gave up on them.

 Today Kim and her significant other are still in their apartment and doing well. They’ve had a few bumps along the way but haven’t given up and have maintained their recovery well. They both continue to work with me regularly and keep Voices of Hope updated on everything going on in their lives.

 Kim stated to me a few days ago, that without Voices of Hope they wouldn’t be where they are today. I had to remind her that she has put in hard work and deserved most of the credit as well.

Instilling hope is what Voices of Hope does. Letting our participants know they are not alone even when things feel like they’re too far out of reach. We help them to just hang on and never give up. – Voices of Hope Recovery Coach

“My whole life is different now. I have a home, a great career, my son, a fiance and so much support that I couldn’t even list them all. I am so grateful to be alive. Voices of Hope is a huge part of my life and my story. I don’t know what I would do without them. Stay strong. Recovery is possible and amazing.” Cassie