How is Voices of Hope contributing to the body of recovery knowledge?

The development of a recovery coaching training curriculum to facilitate linkage to and increase retention on medications for opioid use disorder.

Moffitt, T., Fallin-Bennett, A., Fanucchi, L., Walsh, S., Cook, C., Oller, D., Ross, A., Gallivan, M., Lauckner, J., Byard, J., Wheeler-Crum, P. & Lofwall, M. (2024). The development of a recovery coaching training curriculum to facilitate linkage to and increase retention on medications for opioid use disorder. Frontiers in Public Health, 12. 

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A harm reduction journey: Connection, family support, and engagement in health care. Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment.

Fallin-Bennett, A., Elswick, A.,  (2023). 102. 106204.

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Peer support specialists and perinatal OUD: Someone that’s been there, lived it, seen it. Addictive Behaviors.

Fallin-Bennett, A., Elswick, A., & Ashford, K. (2020). 102. 106204. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2019.106204

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Voices of hope: A feasibility study of telephone recovery support.

Elswick, A., and Fallin-Bennett, A. (2020). Addictive Behaviors. 102. 106182.

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“Voices of Hope: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Peer-Delivered Telephone Recovery Support Program” (2020).

Elswick, Alex, Theses and Dissertations–Family Sciences. 78.

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Emerging adults and recovery capital: barriers and facilitators to recovery.

Elswick, A., Fallin-Bennett, A., Ashford, K. & Werner-Wilson, R. (2018)., Journal of Addictions Nursing 29(2), 78-83.

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Pharmacists’ role in harm reduction: A survey assessment of Kentucky community pharmacists’ willingness to participate in syringe/needle exchange.

Goodin, A., Fallin-Bennett, A., Green, T., & Freeman, P.R. (2018).  Harm Reduction Journal, 15(4), 1-9

Pharmacists role in opioid overdose: Kentucky pharmacists willingness to participate in naloxone dispensing. 

Freeman, P., Goodin, A., Troske, S., Strahl, A., Fallin-Bennett, A. & Green, T. (2017). Journal of American Pharmacists Association, 57(2S), S28-S33.

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If you want to care for something, you call it a ‘flower.’ If you want to kill something, you call it a ‘weed.’

Language Matters

“Research shows that the language we use to describe this disease can either perpetuate or overcome the stereotypes, prejudice and lack of empathy that keep people from getting treatment they need. Scientific evidence demonstrates that this disease is caused by a variety of genetic and environmental factors, not moral weakness on the part of the individual. Our language should reflect that.” Drug Czar Botticelli (2017)

Stigma Hurts

Stigma remains the biggest barrier to addiction treatment faced by patients. The terminology used to describe addiction has contributed to the stigma.

You Can Help

“Specifically, we make an appeal for the use of language that (1) respects the worth and dignity of all persons (“people-first language”); (2) focuses on the medical nature of substance use disorders and treatment; (3) promotes the recovery process; and (4) avoids perpetuating negative stereotype and biases through the use of slang and idioms.” (Broyles, Binswanger, Gordon, et al., 2014)

Some Examples

Person first language say “person with a substance use disorder” not “Junkie, Addict, Crack-head, Abuser.” See the chart below for additional suggestions.

Language of Recovery

Current Terminology Alternative Terminology
Treatment is the goal / Treatment is the only way into recovery Treatment is an opportunity for initiation into recovery (one of multiple pathways into recovery)
Untreated addict/alcoholic Individual not yet in recovery
Substance abuse Substance use disorder/addiction/substance misuse
Drug of choice/abuse Drug of use
Denial Ambivalence
Relapse prevention Recovery management
Pathology-based assessment Strength/asset-based assessment
Focus is on total abstinence from all illicit and non-prescribed substances the clinician identifies Focus is on the drug the client feels is creating the problems
A drug is a drug is a drug Each illicit substance has unique interactions with the brain; medication, if available, is appropriate
Relapse Recurrence/return to use