What is recovery coaching?

Recovery can be tough. We get it because at Voices of Hope our services are provided by people in recovery. We are here for you no matter where you are on your journey.

In our recovery coaching program you’ll meet once a week with a coach who can help you:

    • create and meet goals to improve your life
    • find recovery housing, food assistance and health care
    • work on a plan for your career
    • make an individualized plan for your recovery

And thanks to our donors, recovery coaching is a free service.

“The one-on-one sessions I receive with my recovery coach has been a tremendous asset to my recovery. Working with my coach every week has helped me substantially.
Atmosphere is very professional and well run. It makes me feel a very calming and positive vibe and energy. No judgement. The staff treats me great and very respectful – them of me and I of them.” Larry