You Can Save a Life!

Overdose is the number one cause of accidental death in the United States, but studies show that increasing access to naloxone can reduce overdose death by 35-50%.

Attend our overdose response training program to learn how to recognize and respond to an overdose.

We are happy to be able to offer a variety of trainings:

  • Attend a regularly offered online or in-person (at our center) training by checking our calendar and facebook
  • Contact us to set up an in person training for your group in Fayette and surrounding counties.
  • Contact us to set up a county-wide online training

Naloxone (also known as Narcan®) is a medication called an “opioid antagonist” used to counter the effects of opioid overdose, for example morphine and heroin overdose.

What is Narcan?

Specifically, naloxone is used in opioid overdoses to counteract life-threatening depression of the central nervous system and respiratory system, allowing an overdose victim to breathe normally. Naloxone is a nonscheduled (i.e., non-addictive), prescription medication.

How is it administered?

Naloxone may be injected in the muscle, vein or under the skin or sprayed into the nose. Naloxone that is injected comes in a lower concentration (0.4mg/1mL) than Naloxone that is sprayed up the nose (2mg/2mL). It is a temporary drug that wears off in 20-90 minutes.

Can friends and families administer it?

Naloxone only works if a person has opioids in their system; the medication has no effect if opioids are absent. Although traditionally administered by emergency response personnel, naloxone can be administered by minimally trained laypeople, which makes it ideal for treating overdose in people who have been prescribed opioid pain medication and in people who use heroin and other opioids. Naloxone has no potential for abuse.

Good Samaritan Law

Calling 911 during an overdose can mean the difference between life and death, but some witnesses avoid calling due of fear of arrest. In response, Kentucky has enacted KRS 218A.133, which protects people from prosecution when they report a drug overdose. This is commonly known as a “Good Samaritan Law,” and it provides an important tool to save lives. There is no longer any need to watch a friend or family member die due to a fear of criminal prosecution.

Source: Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy-Stop Overdoses