What can families or friends do? 

Call For Help

Voices of Hope’s Information and Support Line:  888-Hope4Ky (888.467.3459) 

Attend a  Meeting

Voices of Hope’s Family and Friends Smart Support Group

Click here for calendar

Get Educated

Not only empowering yourself to make good decisions, but educating yourself will prepare you to be ready with information if and when your loved one is ready to seek help.
•    Enroll in a Narcan course
•    Learn about the nature and risk factors for addiction
•    Stay up to date on the latest research on recovery

Set Boundaries

Create firm limits about what you will and will not tolerate from your loved one, limiting feelings of frustration or being taken advantage of.
Some examples include:
•    No communication when intoxicated (e.g.phone calls or text messages)
•    No alcohol or drugs allowed in the house

Be Patient

Expect recovery, but be prepared for possible return to use. Some individuals achieve long-term recovery on their first attempt, for others, it may take multiple attempts over multiple years. Keep your hope up, as substance use disorder is known as a ‘good prognosis disorder’ in that the majority of people can and do recover.

Get Outside Input

The stigma of substance use disorder often leads to secrecy, isolation, and shame. It is therefore important to seek outside input early and often.
•    Peer Support (e.g. SMART Friends and Family)
•    Professional Help (e.g. Therapist)

Practice Self Care

You will not be able to help your family member or friend, if you cannot help yourself. Work to maintain a healthy routine that includes nutritious meals, daily exercise, and a good night’s sleep.

Consider Comorbidity

The likelihood of a mental illness diagnosis doubles for individuals suffering from substance use disorder. Look for common symptoms and seek professional guidance. Some individuals will be more receptive to dialog and treatment of mental illness than addiction.

Try Immediate Rewards

Alcohol and drugs affects the brain’s reward system. Try incorporating immediate and consistent rewards for healthy decisions. This method is shown to shape positive behavior.

Stay Safe

If you feel like you may be in danger, or that your relationship is not healthy, you may need to end the relationship.  Source:  Recovery Research Institute

Voices of Hope co-founders participated in this video, Journey to Recovery, a KET documentary, which takes an in-depth look at the opioid crisis and how communities are responding in Kentucky. Learn from the nation’s top experts on substance use disorders and hear the personal stories of those who found the path to long-term recovery. This is a great place to begin understanding the disease of addiction.

More Resources & Support

Voices of Hope’s SMART Friends and Family Meeting

Voices of Hope’s Family Support Line:  859.687.9595

Lexington area Al-anon
PAL (Parents of Addicted Loved Ones)