If you are exploring using medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD), you are welcome here! Our recovery coaches will meet with you to educate you on your options and can connect you to a MOUD provider.  Each person has their own path to recovery from opioid use disorder, but research shows that medications for opioid use disorder offer the most effective treatment.

Did you know there are three FDA approved medications? Methadone and buprenorphine are medications that can help treat your withdrawal, decrease your cravings, reduce your risk of returning to use and overdose, and most importantly, they save lives.  Methadone is provided at a licensed opioid treatment program and for the first 90 days, you may be asked to come to the clinic every day to receive your medication.  Buprenorphine is provided at a variety of settings like your doctor’s office.  Patients fill their prescription for the tablet and film version at a pharmacy.  There is also a long-acting injection available that you could receive at your health care provider’s office.

Naltrexone, commonly referred to as the Vivitrol injection, is the other FDA approved medication.  With naltrexone you must not use any opioids for 7-10 days before it is administered.  You can receive the injections at a variety of settings as well.

All three medications are safe to use for months, years, or even a lifetime.

Whatever pathway you choose, our coaches are here to provide non-judgmental support every step of the way.

We support recovery!

Telephone Recovery Support

We call YOU each week because we care about how you’re doing. We have been impacted by drug and alcohol addiction too. We have your back.

Overdose Response Training

You can save a life! Learn to recognize and respond to an overdose.

Speaker's Bureau

Engage one of our knowledgeable, inspiring speakers with a wide variety of training and life experiences.

We Increase Recovery Capital

What is Recovery Capital?

Recovery capital is the vehicle through which we realize our mission of promoting life-long recovery form the chronic disease of addiction. Recovery capital refers to all of the intra- and interpersonal resources that a person needs to enter and maintain recovery. Safe housing, stable employment, access to mental health and treatment services, and healthy relationships are just a few of the things that make it more likely that a person will lead a fulfilling life of recovery.

How do we do it?

At Voices of Hope, we contribute to people’s recovery capital in myriad ways: By allowing them to further their education through scholarships, offering social and emotional support through TRS, working toward important personal health goals through recovery coaching, destigmatizing addiction through public speaking and Overdose Awareness Day, and much more!