Summer’s Sweet Elixir: Lemonade Recipes

Sipping a perfectly sweetened glass of lemonade beneath a canopy of trees just might be the quintessential expression of summertime leisure. And with flavorful varieties from which to choose, the enjoyment can last all season long.

Sipping a perfectly sweetened glass of lemonade beneath a canopy of trees just might be the quintessential expression of summertime leisure. And with flavorful varieties from which to choose, the enjoyment is the perfect way to welcome the quickly approaching season.

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  1. I totally fell in love with this article from the past issue!

    As if lemonade is not wonderful enough, simply add the photography and recipes from Victoria to make it all come alive!

    The tablescapes are gorgeous and I am already thinking about hosting an outdoor Summer Iced Tea and Lemonade Party complete with antique tablecloths, crystal glasses, bone china, and plenty of sterling flatware!

    All this from simple lemons!

    Brandon Hartford
    Te Deum Cottage


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