
OVHcloud Backbone Network

OVHcloud® operates a global backbone network that interconnects all our data centers together. The OVHcloud backbone network connects to the Internet via several Points of Presence (PoP) distributed all over the globe. It is built with the best fault tolerance, security, low latency, and traffic control.

The Internet consists of interconnected networks, with varying levels of quality for each network. This is why OVHcloud is constantly expanding its worldwide network, to ensure quality for our customers around the globe.

hero network

A fast & reliable worldwide backbone network

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Worldwide availability

We are constantly growing our worldwide network to meet our customers' needs. More OVHcloud Points of Presence (PoPs) equates to faster and better availability for our customers' businesses. This way we are also able to offer shorter loading times for your website, lower latency to your services, and a better gaming experience for your players!

As of 2022, we operate 38 PoPs and 33 data centers in 12 geographical locations around the world.

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Quality attack protection

By design, all of our products and services are secured by our Anti-DDoS Infrastructure. This is OVHcloud's worldwide protection system that guards against large-scale internet attacks.

We consistently ensure that all our interconnections have enough capacity to mitigate the largest volume of internet attacks without interruption to normal traffic.

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Secure interconnection from your site

Some PoPs offer a direct connection (OVHcloud Connect) between your network and OVHcloud datacenters. That's the most secure way of interconnecting your site and your services with OVHcloud. This can enable hybrid-cloud concepts, several DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan), or fast deployments using various interconnection options starting from 200 Mbps and up to as much as a 10 Gbps dedicated fiber link.

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Unmetered bandwidth

Predictable and clear cost calculation is crucial for businesses and their bottom line. To make it simple, we don't calculate how much data you transfer per month. Moreover, our network protection infrastructure (Anti-DDoS Infrastructure) is also available at no additional cost for any product you buy from OVHcloud. This provides you with confidence, simplicity, and clear cost.

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Low-latency, and a fast, reliable network

We strongly believe that networking is the basis for every product we offer. This is why scaling the OVHcloud network is one of our most costly investments each year. We build our network in such a way that it will always be able to maintain available capacity transparently even under unexpected events (such as big attacks, peer failures, or traffic policy changes). In addition, we continue to increase our physical infrastructure around the world, operating our own transmission network over dark fiber, to be able to provide at any time the capacity and quality required by our customers.

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Full work transparency

We believe that full disclosure is crucial, especially when operating infrastructure for your business. Since its beginning, OVHcloud was one of the first companies on the market to share its maintenance and incident status with the public in a fully transparent manner.

OVHcloud's dark fiber network provides low latency


Did you know that OVHcloud has Indefeasible Rights to Use (IRU) for many dark fibers across several continents? In other words, this means we have the rights to the fibers for long-term usage. On top of that, we install our own DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) optical network infrastructure.
Our policy is to activate 100% of interconnections between our data centers and the nearest PoPs (last-mile connections) using our own fiber. We believe this is crucial to be able to offer the best quality, low latency, stable and reliable services at competitive prices.

Our backbone network across the world

Discover our backbone network in Europe, USA and Asia.

OVHcloud backbone map europe
OVHcloud backbone north america map
OVHcloud backbone asia map

Worldwide DDoS protection included

Anti-DDoS infrastructure | OVHcloud

This custom-made solution is distributed across the globe, available at our Point-of-Presence (PoPs) and inside our backbone network allowing us to mitigate the largest network attacks. This solution is available at no additional cost for any product you purchase from OVHcloud. Moreover, it has proven its power while mitigating attacks over 1.3 Tbps.

Tools and more technical information

Below are several references to more technical tools providing information about our network.


What is a backbone network?

A backbone network connects multiple sites (data center networks) together, allowing them to communicate with each other.

What is a Point-of-Presence (PoP)?

OVHcloud is interconnected with external networks (internet) by several PoPs (points-of-presence). Every such location allows traffic to be exchanged between local operators and OVHcloud services.