
Welcome to the Council of Europe HELP online platform! 

Explore all HELP (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) free online courses, available in English and other languages. 

Registration to the HELP platform is free of charge. Once you have created your account, you can enrol in any of the self-learning Council of Europe HELP courses. 
Scroll down this page and click on the language code under the course image. Upon completion of the course, you can obtain your statement of accomplishment. 
Click HERE for tutorials on how to access and navigate the HELP online courses, as well as other information related to the CoE HELP Programme.

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    Available courses

    National HELP eDesks: 
    Armenia | Belgium | Bulgaria | Cyprus | Czechia | France | Germany | Greece Hungary | Ireland | ItalyMoldova | Poland | Romania | Slovakia | Spain | Ukraine

    About the course:
     Brief See the source imageVideo  See the source image10 hours
    Languages: eng | fra | araaze | bos | ell  | hye | kat | mkd | ron | rus | slk | sqi | srp | tur | ukr

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:

      Brief See the source image 5 hours

    Languages: 2023 Edition: eng 
    2019 Edition: bul | ces | deu ell | fra | hrv | hun | ita | mkd | pol | rus | spa | sqi | srp | tur
    Previous version: bos |  lav | lit | mne | ron | ukr

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course: 
       Brief See the source image4 hours
    eng | azebos | bul | ell | hyeron | srptur

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief  See the source imageVideo  See the source image7 hours

    eng | fra | bos | deu | mkd | mne | rus | spa | sqi | srp | tur

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
      BriefSee the source image 4 hours

    2019 Edition: eng | cesron 
    Previous version: aze | bosbulell | fra | hye |
     ita | kat | lav | lit | mkd | mne | pol | sqi | srp | ukr

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source image6 hours
    Languages: eng 

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
      Brief See the source imageVideo See the source image 6 hours

    2021 Edition: eng fra | arabos bul | ces | deu | ell |  hrv | hun | hye | ita | lav | lit | mkd | mne | pol | por | ron | slk | slv | spa | srp | sqi | tur | ukr
    2017 Edition: fle | kat | rus 

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source image6 hours

    2021 Edition: eng bul | deu | irl ita | katlit | mkd | spa srp
    Previous version: fra | sqi  

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course: 

     Brief See the source image9 hours

    2023 Edition: eng | bul | ellita | pol | por  ron spa

    2017 Edition: ara | bos | ces | kat | mkdmne  | rus | sqi | srp | ukr | tur

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
      See the source image 2 hours
    eng | fra | bos | ell | lit | mkd | ron | rus | slv | srp | spa | ukr

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
      Brief See the source image 13 hours
    2024 Edition: eng 
    2017 Edition: ara | bosces | kat | mkd | mneron | spa | slk | srp | rus | tur | ukr | uzb

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source image10 hours
    eng | ara | deu | ellhye | itakat | mkd | ron | rus | spa | slktur | ukr 

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course

     Brief 10 hours


    eng | ara | azebul | cesfra | hun | hyekat | pol | por | ron | slk | slv | spa | turukr 

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course: 
     BriefSee the source imageVideo See the source image12 hours
    2019 Edition: eng | fra | ara | bos | ces | deu | ell | hrv | ita | kat lav | lit | mkd | mne | pol | por | ron | spa | srp | sqi | tur 
    Previous edition:  est | slk

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course: 
     BriefSee the source imageVideo See the source image 9 hours 

    eng | fra | azebos | bul | ces | ell | hrv | hun | hye | ita | kat | kazlit | mkd | pol | ron | slk | slv | spa |sqisrp | ukr

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course: 
     BriefSee the source imageVideo See the source image 9 hours

    2019 edition: eng | fra | bos | bul | ell | ita | lit | mkd | ron | rus | slv | spa | srp | ukr
    Previous edition: deu 

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course: 
     Brief See the source imageVideoSee the source image7 hours

    2021 Edition: eng | fra | aze | bos | bul | deu | ell | hrv  ita | mkdmne | pol | ron | spa | srp | ukr
    2017 Edition:   rus

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING
    About the course:

     Brief  See the source imageVideo  See the source image9 hours

    2020 Edition: eng | fra | ara | bos | ell | hrv | hunita | mkd | mne | polronslv spa | srp | sqi tur
    Previous version: kat 

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source imageVideo See the source image 2.5 hours

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source image 5 hours

    2020 Edition: eng | bosceshye | kat | mkd |  mne | por | ron | ukr
    Previous Version: hun |  polspa | srp | sqi

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source image 3.5 hours

    2024 Edition: eng | bulsrp sqi

    2020 Edition: ara | bos | ceshye | kat | mkd | mne | porron | ukr
    Previous Edition:  hun 

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course: 
     Brief  8 hours
    eng | hye | ukr

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
      Brief   See the source imageVideo   See the source image 8 hours


    2022 edition:  eng | fra | spa

    Previous edition: ara rus | slk 

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source image 8 hours

    eng | fra | ukr

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
      Brief See the source image Video See the source image 11 hours

    2021 Edition: eng | fraarabosbul | ces | deu | ell | hrv | hun | hye | ita | kat lit | mnepol | por | ron | rus | slkspa | srp | swe | ukr | uzb

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief  See the source imageVideo  See the source image12 hours
    Languages: eng | ukr

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:

     Brief  See the source image 6 hours

     eng | porron - to come:  ita | lit | slv | ukr 

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course: 
     Brief   6 hours
    eng  | fra | ara | hye | rus | sqi | uzb

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief  See the source image Video  See the source image 6 hours

    2020 Edition: eng | fra | ara | aze | bos | bul | ces | deu | ell | hrv | hun | hye | ita | kat | lav | lit | mkd | mne | pol | por | ron | rus | slv | spa | sqi | srp | swe | tur | ukr 

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:

     Brief See the source image50 minutes

    eng | fra | bosbul | hrv | ita | kat | mkd | polpor | ronspa | ukr

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief  See the source image5 hours
    Languages: eng

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course: 
      BriefSee the source imageVideo See the source image8 hours
    2022 Edition: eng | aze | bos | hrvhye | itakat | mkd | mne | ron | slvsqi | srp | tur | ukr
    2016 Edition:   rus

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course: 
     Brief See the source image8 hours

    eng | fra | ces | deu | ell | hye | ita | lav | mkd |
     mol | pol | ron | rus | spa | ukr

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source image Video See the source image 13 hours
    2021 Edition: eng | fra | bos | bul | ell | hrv | hye | ita | kat | lit | mkd | pol | por | ron |  rus | spa ukr
    2016 Edition:  mne slv | srp 

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief  See the source image 3 hours

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

     See the source imageVideo See the source image 3 hours

    eng | fra | bul | ces | deu | ell | hye | itakatnld | por | ron | slk | spa | ukr

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course: 

       Brief See the source imageVideo See the source image2 hours
    Languages: eng | ell | hun lit | pol | ron | slv

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source image 6 hours

    eng | frabos | hye | ita | mkd | por | spa | tur

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source image 7 hours

    eng | ron | rus | ukr

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course: 
     BriefSee the source imageVideo See the source image 11 hours
    eng | fra | araaze | bos | bul | ces | ell | hrv | hun | hye | kat | mkd | mne | polron | rus | slv | spa | sqi | srp | svk | tur | ukr

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source image 7 hours

    2023 Edition: eng | mneron | ukr

    2017 Edition: hye | kat | rus | sqi srp tur 

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course: 
     Brief See the source image8 hours

    eng | fraaze | bos | hrv | mkd | rus | sqi srp | tur | ukr

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief  See the source image Video  See the source image 10 hours

    eng | bos mkd | mne | sqi | spa | srp | tur 

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:

     Brief See the source image 10 hours

     eng | kat

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source image 8 hours

    engfra | ara | azebos | bul | ces | deu | ell | hye | ita | katmkd | mne | nld | por | ronslk | spa | sqi | srp | swe | ukr

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source image 10 hours

    eng | fra | ara aze | bos | bul | ell | deu hrv | hyeita | mkd | mnepol | por | ron | slk | spa | sqi | srp | tur | ukr

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source image 10 hours

    eng fra | pol

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source image 8 hours

    eng | aze | ron | rus | tur | ukr

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source image 10 hours


    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     BriefSee the source imageVideo See the source image 8 hours

    2022 Edition: eng | ita | slv
    2017 Edition: fra | hyepol | rus | uzb

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source image2.5 hours
    Languages: eng | ukr

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source imageVideo See the source image6 hours
    eng | fra | bos |  ita | mkd | mne | ron | srp 

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief   See the source image 3 hours

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source image 7 hours
    2023 Edition: eng ukr 
    2017 Edition: aze | bos | hye | kat | ron 

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source imageVideo See the source image12 hours

    eng | fra | ara | aze | bos | bul | cesell | hrv | hye | ita | kat | lavlit | mkd | mne pol por | ron rus | slk | slv | spa | sqi | srp |  tur | ukr | uzb

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING

    About the course:
     Brief See the source image6 hours
    eng | fraara | aze | hyelav | ron | ukr

    Course format: SELF-LEARNING