Preparing for the end of your exchange 

As the end of exchange gets nearer every day I wanted to write a blog post about how I am preparing for the end of living away. Hopefully this blog offers some insight to how I am trying to make the process of moving back home a bit less daunting after over 4 months of living abroad.  

Try to do all of the things on your list in your city 

As I have mentioned in other blogs, I do have a Copenhagen bucket list as I like to call it. This list has things that I want to do in the city and have been continually adding to it. It is fair to say I am not expecting to get everything done by the end of June but I am going to try! If you are staying in your city longer than exams like me, I would recommend making day trips within your city and outside to see as much as you can.  

Making plans with friends – present and future 

With the end of term looming, it is easy to get bogged down with all the work you have to do but there is an argument to take breaks and take breaks with your friends. I have been not only trying to study with my friends but also trying to reward ourselves with a plan after we finish for the day. As well as this we all are trying to best disguise the fact that we are all leaving to go across the world by talking about future reunions and travel plans, which is definitely helping to not feel too sad about not seeing them for a while.  

Getting work done when you can  

As mentioned, it is easy to get into a panic with work at the end of term but what I have been trying to do is to work away at my studying and essays when I can throughout the semester so I don’t have the stress at the end of the semester with everything left. It is easy to say this but harder to put into practice; however, I would recommend to do an hour or two working at something when you have free time. So that when you feel like you have no time you feel ahead of the game.  

Making summer plans for home when you get back  

As hard as it is to imagine a time when you don’t live abroad, it is important to make plans for when you do go home so you don’t get back and have a lot time to think. I have been applying for internships and making summer travel plans so I will have things to keep me busy when I get home. This means that you will feel like you are also making the most of your summer at home.  

This is how I am preparing for the end of exchange and although it is a very sad thought to think I won’t be in Copenhagen forever with the amazing friends I have made it is unfortunately true and these tips have been helping me come to terms with it. I hope that this blog shows the reality of leaving exchange and as tough as it is, there are ways to process it. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to message. 😊 

~ Rosie (Go Abroad Ambassador 2023/24)

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