Working through the Summer months – the struggle and balance 

As exam season at the University of Glasgow is well underway, classes here at the University of Copenhagen continue on and will do till the middle of May. With exams going on till June I thought I would write a blog about the balance of working into the summer months and how the difference in semester length has had an impact. As well as hopefully some tips if you are working into the summer. 


Firstly in my whole university career I have not had this many weeks of classes. We are on week 13 and will end on week 14. This has had an impact on my productivity and the push to keep working is low due to the continuation of the semester. I have been trying to start my days a bit earlier so I have longer to work and can also take longer breaks.  

Balancing plans and work  

As semester abroad has taught me it is always a balancing act between work and social and travel plans. This is even more prevalent when the Sun is out. Especially in Copenhagen, when a picnic in the park or a swim in the canals are calling your name. My tip to try balance work with plans is to, as always, work social plans into your week. Make sure you have time for studying but also for fun things. This means that when you have planned to work you have to do it as you have no other time. This necessary pressure has made sure that I can get my work done but also enjoy time in the city with my friends.  

Burnout and motivation  

The length and timing of the semester is also having an effect on both my motivation and mental wellbeing. With things being so busy when you are away it is easy to forget that you need to take care of yourself. This is something I am still definitely learning and trying to master. What I have been trying to do is take time for myself. Not just to sit and relax but to do things on my list by myself without waiting for friends to come join me. This active time alone allows you to think things through and come back to work or social plans in a better mind set. It is easy to forget that you need time off to process and take a seat back so I have been trying to schedule that time in.  

I hope that this offers an insight into how the semester going well into May is a change and is having an effect on both productivity and balancing plans. If you are going away or are away at the moment I hope you can take these tips into consideration if your term is longer, too.

As always, if you have any questions make sure to message me 😊 

~ Rosie (Go Abroad Ambassador 2023/24)

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