How am I preparing for the end of my exchange? 

I will be leaving Singapore on the 30th of April. My time here has gone by so quickly, I cannot believe I am already in my final month after eight months of living here.  

Making a list of things to do before I leave: 

My friends and I have created a list of the activities we want to complete before our exchange is finished. This way, we can make sure we haven’t accidently forgotten anything! The list is long, and keeps getting increasingly longer as we hear about more places we want to go to. So far, we want to go to an island off Singapore called Palau Ubin, do the Tiger brewery tour, go cycling along East Coast Park, and try some new places to eat.  

Looking back, I would even suggest making a list as soon as you get to your host destination, as this way it ensures you see everything that you want to. Trying to cram everything in your final weeks while also doing exams can be quite stressful!  

Spending time with friends:  

It can be quite daunting knowing that you don’t have much longer left with the amazing friends you have met during your time abroad. As a result, we have been trying to spend as much time together as possible, even if this includes more relaxed evenings such as watching a movie or having a games night. To make sure we aren’t too upset about all going our separate ways, we talk about our plans to meet up with each other when we are all back home and have a big reunion.  

Focussing on work: 

The end of my exchange also means the end of my courses. This means lots of final projects, presentations and exams. I think having a healthy balance of work and doing fun activities is essential, otherwise you are likely to feel burnt out. To help my week feel a little less monotonous, I like to study in different places on campus. One day it might be the law library, or the main library, sometimes I study in a café or in one of the learning pods. This can help studying feel a little less monotonous. 

Have something to look forward to: 

I think it is important to have something to look forward to at the end of your exchange. For me, I have decided to continue travelling around Asia. This makes leaving Singapore a little less daunting. Some of my friends are going into exciting internships, or have planned things with friends once they get home. I think it is important to keep busy at the end of your exchange, otherwise it might feel a little overwhelming that it’s over.  

~ Mabel (Go Abroad Ambassador 2023/24)

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