Top things to do/see in Copenhagen 

As I am about half way through my exchange I thought I would write a blog about the things I would recommend to do if you are coming on exchange or on a trip to Copenhagen. I have managed to tick most of these of my list but as with everything there is alwyas more to see so the list is constantly growing ! I hope this can give you some recommendations of what to do. 


Number one on everyone’s list visiting Copenhagen has got to be the coloured houses that you see all over social media. The area is also very nice with lots of canals and nice but expensive restaurants.  


As my previous blog posts have suggested, the bakeries really are everywhere and they are a must to go and try. Specifically the cinnamon and cardamon buns, I have so many recommendations for bakeries I don’t think I will get to all of them in 6 months. However, top of my list are definitely Buka and Juno.  

Go cold water swimming and walk round Refshaleøen 

At the end of march a lot of things opened up in this area including a few swimming spots and food markets. I would recommend if you have an afternoon in the summer to go have a walk around the area as it feels less city and nice to try out all the different offerings. As well as this going for a cold swim is both scary and invigorating. When I went it was a little bit warm which helped a lot, here is a photo from my swim.  

Check out Nørrebro and shopping  

If vintage shopping is your thing then make sure you go to the area of Nørrebro. I had heard of this area before I came to Copenhagen but I didn’t expect it to be this full of cool shops. Both with vintage shopping but also interiors. I would take an afternoon to wander about the area and make sure to go into them to see what they have.  


There is also a big museum culture in Copenhagen that is worth leaning in to. My personal favourites have been the Danish architecture centre which had a lot of information on the architecture of the city and why it is the way it is. It also has an indoor slide which is very worth doing ! The SMK is also up there with my favourites, it has new exhibitions and a big opening on certain Fridays throughout the year which I was able to attend and was amazing. Another firm favourite is the Glyptoteket, it is huge ! You could easily spend a day in there and that is why I love it. Most museums have free days so make sure to look out for those when booking tickets. 

Check out the bars  

The Danes love going to a cool bars to test out all sorts of drinks and local produce. There are many all over the city but I have mostly tried some in Nørrebro. There are also usually alcohol free version which can be sometimes be more interesting to try.  

I hope this has given you a rough summary of what is good to see in Copenhagen but as I say I will be here for about 6 months and feel like I will not have nearly done everything so definitely make a list of what you want to do before you come and do your research ! If you would like a more detailed list of recommendations please send me a message or if you have any general questions please don’t hesitate.

Rosie 😊

~ Rosie Miller (Visiting Student at the University of Copenhagen)

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