Study Tips from an Exchange Student

I thought I would write a blog about how I am trying to balance university work while making the most of being in a new place and wanting to explore. Although it is an important consideration during my study abroad, it is not always easy to get the balance right. Hopefully this blog helps a little bit by offering some advice to better achieve this balance if you decide to go abroad to study. I am writing this as I am currently working on my first assignment that is graded whilst also planning a trip away with my friends for the half term break. The last few weeks of term have definitely been the hardest in terms of balancing both work and my social life. However I think after coming back from my half term trip, I will have a better understanding on how to prioritise things so I can make the most of both social and work commitments. So these are the tips that I have, hopefully providing some help to others.

Plan your time

It is easy to say but the best way to balance everything is to write it all down. For me, it does help to do this on paper and at the start of a week. I will write a to-do list of work and a weekly plan for all of my social activities. As well as this, I would recommend getting the app “Notion” online or writing things in your Google Calendar so you can see it as a visual. When things get stressful it can be useful to break down your days hourly as this can help with seeing how much time you actually have. What is also helpful with online calendars is that you can always delete and move sections around when things change.

Reward yourself with things you want to do in your city

I have been able to motivate myself by saying if I get certain tasks done, I can do something in the city that has been on my list. I would recommend making a list of things that you want to do in the city and continually add to it. I call mine my Copenhagen Bucket List. These can be things such as bakeries/places for dinner or areas you would like to visit. I will make a plan before I get my work done so I have to get my work done before I can go and do something I enjoy with friends or alone.

Study with your friends

It can also help to have friends within your class so that if you have a class assignment, you can go and work together. Then when you are done you can go celebrate and decompress. Working with friends can help motivate as well as often making your work better as you are able to discuss the topic. It can help make things clearer and makes your argument better as you know what you will be talking about.

Remember grades aren’t the be all and end all

As much as it is easy to get bogged down in the work you have due, it is also the case that you are away for a short period of time only. It is a hard balance but no piece of work should make you too stressed to make time for yourself and to spend with friends. Grades are not everything and it is okay to prioritise other things at times when you don’t have essays due.

I hope these tips offer some advice on how to best balance work whilst also making the most of your time away. It is hard but a worthwhile skill and honestly, I am definitely still learning it. Please message if you have any questions 🙂

-Rosie, Go Abroad Ambassador 2023/24

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