Reflecting on My Time Abroad

I am now home, and reflecting on my time in Paris. It has been the most amazing year full of stories and memories I will cherish for the rest of my life. I am leaving feeling a changed person ready to return to Glasgow and see everyone again. I thought for this blog I would […]

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A Trip to Morocco

As I recommended in a previous blog, the midterm break is a perfect time to travel. The talk for a trip somewhere outside of Italy was in the works and at the time there was a large craze around Bocconi exchange students to head to Marrakesh, so that was the settled upon destination. Marrakesh is […]

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A rugby fan’s dream: watching Scotland play Italy in Rome

When I first came to Italy, I knew that I wanted to go to one of the Italian Six Nations Games, lucky enough for myself I was able to watch Scotland play Italy in Rome for one of the best rugby games I have ever witnessed as a rugby fan. My friends were keen to […]

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My Biggest Culture Shocks Living in Austria

Culture shock is defined as when someone travels to a new country and feels disoriented by the unfamiliarities, and it is fair to say that when I arrived in Austria, I was met with quite a few culture shocks. So, I thought I would share some of the culture shocks I experienced during my time […]

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Preparing for the end of your exchange 

As the end of exchange gets nearer every day I wanted to write a blog post about how I am preparing for the end of living away. Hopefully this blog offers some insight to how I am trying to make the process of moving back home a bit less daunting after over 4 months of […]

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Working through the Summer months – the struggle and balance 

As exam season at the University of Glasgow is well underway, classes here at the University of Copenhagen continue on and will do till the middle of May. With exams going on till June I thought I would write a blog about the balance of working into the summer months and how the difference in […]

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One week in Seville

When choosing my study abroad location I struggled to choose between Barcelona and Seville. Ultimately, I ended up in Barcelona, but Seville remained at the top of my travel wish list. Luckily, my trip coincided with my 21st birthday so I had a great time celebrating and I thought I would write a blog post […]

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Adapting to the difference in academics at Copenhagen University

Now being in week 10 of my 14-week term I thought I would offer some reflections on the difference in all things classes and assignments in hopes to both offer an insiders point of view but some tips as well so that if you are thinking about going abroad this will help you to feel […]

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How am I preparing for the end of my exchange? 

I will be leaving Singapore on the 30th of April. My time here has gone by so quickly, I cannot believe I am already in my final month after eight months of living here.   Making a list of things to do before I leave:  My friends and I have created a list of the activities […]

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Top things to do/see in Copenhagen 

As I am about half way through my exchange I thought I would write a blog about the things I would recommend to do if you are coming on exchange or on a trip to Copenhagen. I have managed to tick most of these of my list but as with everything there is alwyas more to see […]

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A day in the life of a student at Singapore Management University

Classes at SMU are a little different as typically the class length is 3 1/2 hours, and you only have one class per subject per week. Usually, people try to have two classes per day, meaning you only have two days of classes. Although this doesn’t sound like a lot, trust me you will be […]

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My experience teaching in an Austrian school

When choosing my courses to study in Austria, I was excited when I saw that I would have the opportunity to complete a practice placement in an Austrian primary school. I had always wanted to gain work experience in a different education system, and my semester abroad provided the perfect opportunity! The course entailed me […]

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A day trip to the Salvador Dali museum

At UPF in Barcelona, we have three terms and I have now finished my second set of exams – ready for a few weeks off for Easter holidays. With Barcelona’s excellent public transport network, it is so easy to access the areas surrounding the city in Catalonia. This presents the opportunity to explore areas I […]

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Study Tips from an Exchange Student

I thought I would write a blog about how I am trying to balance university work while making the most of being in a new place and wanting to explore. Although it is an important consideration during my study abroad, it is not always easy to get the balance right. Hopefully this blog helps a […]

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Making Friends and Connections Abroad

As I am entering my final few months on my study abroad exchange, I thought I would write about the friendships and connections I have made while living in Barcelona. Spending a whole year in this city has given me the chance to meet lots of interesting people and form connections that I know will […]

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