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Docker is an application to create containers for applications.

1 vote
1 answer

Can a docker container kill itself willingly, from the inside, if it's what I need it to do?

A docker container compiles and starts a C++ rest server, for example Then a test suite runs to challenge it, writing its results on a volume. And then the container must stop. Kill itself. … 2, Does a way exist to write in my Dockerfile my step 3 that will kill my docker container from its inside? …
Marc Le Bihan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Choosing if using Docker or not, with or without Virtual Machines on a Debian 10... Number o... [closed]

Docker only, a Docker-Engine directly installed on my computer, Some VMs with Docker on it ? Anything better, to consider ? …
Marc Le Bihan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

An "exec bash" works on a bash command line, but not in a script. The tool refuses to respon...

I would like to send a command to a Rancher container to learn about its files. When I run it on a bash command line : rancher --url ... --access-key ... --secret-key ... --env 1a5 exec 1i845011 bash …
Marc Le Bihan's user avatar
2 votes

An "exec bash" works on a bash command line, but not in a script. The tool refuses to respon...

I did not found the underlying reason, but a colleague of mine found the workaround for that issue. Install the package expect. Add the unbuffer command before rancher This, is working in a script : …
Marc Le Bihan's user avatar