
At Unite NY, we believe in the power of collaboration to drive positive change. Our partnerships are key to our mission of fostering a more inclusive and effective political process. Each partnership is unique, bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise to create meaningful impact.

Our partnerships are a dynamic and evolving relationship. By working together with these organizations, we’re able to leverage a wealth of knowledge and resources, enabling us to tackle complex issues more effectively. Each partnership adds a unique layer of insight and capability, helping us to innovate and drive forward our mission of a fairer, more representative political system.

Below, you’ll find more information about our esteemed partner organizations and the exciting initiatives we’re working on together.

Rank The Vote is working to implement rank choice voting throughout the country through education and advocacy of how making a simple change to the ballot will make elections more fair and create a better voter experience.

RepresentUs is America’s largest nonpartisan anti-corruption organization working city by city, state by state to fix our broken political system by bringing together progressives, conservatives, and everyone in between.

Unite America

Unite America is a philanthropic venture fund promoting Country Over Party that invests in nonpartisan election reform to foster a more representative and functional government.

US Term Limits

US Term Limits is working to create true citizen legislatures through enacting and defending term limits on elected offices at all levels of government with the ultimate aim of enacting a congressional term limits amendment to the US Constitution.

Veterans for All Voters

Veterans For All Voters is a non-profit organization with a mission to build and mobilize a community of military veterans to advocate for election innovations to help repair our political system.

Let NY Vote

Let NY Vote is a nonpartisan, statewide coalition of organizations working to improve New York elections by making registering and voting more accessible and equitable for every eligible New Yorker.

Stay tuned as we continue to build and expand our vital relationships!