About Unite NY

Unite NY is a movement focused on engaging and empowering voters on important issues of reform that will allow for more voices and more choices – ultimately, more democracy. Unite NY welcomes members from across the political spectrum who are frustrated by a broken system and rapidly intensifying partisanship on both the Right and the Left. The extremes in both parties continue to pull our politics further to the fringes, refusing compromise and cooperation that would benefit ordinary citizens at the risk of giving someone from the other party a perceived victory.

Today, too few voters in New York believe their voice and vote makes a difference. That’s due to structural and fundamental exclusions built into our current system. Unite NY seeks to change that, because  we believe it will be hard to fix the very real problems facing New York, like the economy, healthcare, education, crime, social issues and more, if we don’t first fix a fundamentally flawed system.

By focusing on issues, not candidates, Unite NY will seek to avoid the partisan trappings that so often limit progress in our state. WIth a renewed focus on growing our membership base, educating and empowering voters, and advocating for real and achievable change, we seek to fix a broken system.  Will you join us in helping to empower more voices and bring more choices to voters?

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