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Let’s Put People
at the Center of
Health Care

We must build a better, more equitable health care system in the wake of the pandemic.

Who We Are

Unite Behind Change

At United States of Care, we are listening to people’s needs, developing policy solutions, and partnering with others to ensure our health care system works for everyone. There is an urgency to act now because when it comes to people’s health and wellbeing, waiting for tomorrow is not an option.

Team working together at a table

The Challenges


42% of voters have foregone health insurance in the past because of costs


22% of voters are concerned about losing their own coverage due to a job change


68% of voters are aware that some people face inequities when seeking health care

Source: Fall 2020, USofCare commissioned Qualboards national survey

J. Mario Molina

Taking action together is the only way we’ll see the other side of this crisis. So many words connect us during this uncertain time, but the one that carries us farthest is TOGETHER.

Dr. J. Mario Molina Board Chair, United States of Care

Support Our Mission

Help us build a better health care system

Let’s ensure that everyone has access to quality, affordable health care.

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