Dive Wear

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Marine Designs - Benni
based in Hobart, TAS, Australia
I get so much inspiration from underwater photography, I wanted to share the beauty of the underwater world in a unique way. Through textile design, we produce beautiful limited-edition items.
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Diving GlossaryDiving Glossary
Have a look through our extensive glossary and find out what some of those tricky terms and abbreviations you keep hearing are all about.
The Lure of the DeepThe Lure of the Deep
It's a rare diver amongst us that has not felt the urge to stray that little deeper on a dive, the temptations of that rare aquatic encounter just that little further below you.
A Gathering of GiantsA Gathering of Giants
As a diver it's not every day when you stumble across something in the water so incredible you are literally stunned with surprise. Maybe even a worlds first...this is the story of one of those events and the days building up to it.
Underwater Card 2